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  1. Maybe Carlsberg do Tuesday evenings. Utd losing, p*mpey beyond f*ck*d and Northampton winning.
  2. Evidence of Pompey maths in that link. They think there are 12 people in that photo.
  3. I know that represenatives of the wanda group have been in meetings with top brass of some big football clubs on the continent.
  4. At least he's used to watching football in a "smeggy ground"
  5. The bottom of League II must be sponsored by McDonald's. I'm Lovin' It.
  6. They've obviously just taken the flag out of the packet, judging by the creases in it. Not entirely sure why it is displayed at a jaunty angle, either. Means you can't read what it says clearly. 2/10 for effort.
  7. Pretty sure Martin Kemp was signed by Roy Race and played for Melchester Rovers.
  8. I had a bit of a facebook rant about it taking me 2 hours to get to poole this morning not knowing the poor kid had died. An hours inconvenience is nothing compared to what the poor family are going through.
  9. 2 boys aged 5 and nearly 3. Could have easily sold the little bastards this evening. Being a dad is the best thing in the world, honest!!
  10. Rolling stones at IOW a few years ago. Played mostly newer bluesy type stuff and hardly any classics. Very dull.
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