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Local Exchanges

Johnny Shearer

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According to SamKnows my Local Exchange has no LLU facilities. Therefore everyone in the area is paying extra will the better Broadband packages. I have done some digging and ISPs will charge anywhere between £10 - £17 to cover their bill to BT for use of extra bandwidth.


I have phoned BT but they said contact OpenReach as it is them thay deal with the Exchanges.


I was just wondering whether anyone else has suffered the same problems and how do I get my Local Exchange opened up without trying to do something silly myself? :x

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I think its down to the company that installed their own equipment in the exchange to decide which exchanges they think this is commercially viable to do. I suppose you could get other local residents to email one of the larger companies doing the LLU such as sky and say you will subscribe to them if they install the equipment but don't know what, if any, effect that would have.

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Yeah I was toying with the idea of getting local residents down on some letter but I think its to do with the area I live in as well. Either people are not concerned as they can afford the charges or they just dont know.


But I have looked at the map of what the Exchange covers and it seems the company has done it on purpose.

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