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"Something is rotten in the State of Denmark"


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Something just does not sit right .......


SFC have been aware that the Overdraft must not exceed £4M, yet they allow it to be breached by circa £100K ??? ( by comparison, chickenfeed )


That however, led Barclays to invoke the "excess over £4M " scenario, which has led to the "Holding" Company to plead poverty


But, SURELY, collectively, The Board could have come up with the "excess" ??....... I cannot believe that Saints could not have got to the end of the season before the proverbial hit the Fan


The accepted deadline to declare Administration was LAST week. WHY then, was this situation not brought to a head THEN




PS Coventry ( ie SISA) are doing quite nicely so I hear, as is Nigel Pearson ............ Lowe, the supreme Businessman, as always

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