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What are we to make of this???


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Some players like to put a bit more tape on their socks. Is it really that important?


apparantly so....




we are yet to be furnished with the real reason. I am desperate to know, i notice Antonio played well sunday but not so well tonight, do you think the red socks could be the reason?

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The truth is that some socks have been lost in the wash, you know it happens all the time and no different with football socks.


well, being a woman i will bow to your superior knowledge on what does and doesn't get lost in the wash. This doesn't explain the white bits, or the reason for them though, do tell.....:confused:

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Come on Lady saint, two in full red socks, one with a bit of white on them, whats going on???!!


Good Grief Turkish; at first I thought you were referring to a famous rugby song we used to sing at Uni when in the coach to inter-uni matches.



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Ah ladysaint


We should start a new thread on the lost sock phenomena.


Someone somewhere is steaing millions of socks


Perhaps we should start sa saints fans sock swap shop.


I have one single red and whiite sock looking for a partner (Circa 2001)

also have another lonely heart sock who seeks compatable female sock, must be right footed and likes to wear blue and yellow:rolleyes:

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