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Are the Israelis just plain stupid or what?


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I have always been a strong supporter of Israel. I am still a strong supporter of Israel.


But **** me, are these people just plain ****ing dumb or what?


They are arrogant beyond belief if they think they can do this sort of sh!te and that the rest of the world will not start equating the Star of David and the Swastika.


Israel, whilst you maybe a secular state, you are still a population predominantly of Jews. 70 years ago the SS were herding your kin into gas chambers. Get the ****ing PR right will you. Stop acting like Nazis. Give the people of Gaza what they need.

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It has been my opinion for many years that Israel should show the very compassion and understanding for the Palestinians, that they were pleading for during WWII, when they were shown absolutely none by the Nazi Germans. If Israel want the continued support of the European West, and to make peace with the Middle east, they have got to compromise. The USA's attitude to this remains an absolute mystery to me. But then again, USA policy is always something for the USA.

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Not quite as simple when there are missiles launched into Israel from Palestine on a regular basis. They wanted to search the ship for weapons and were not allowed.


Two sides to every story but they do have a habit of being ruthless when the rest of the world would behave differently.


In my opinion there really is no solution. The arabs don't believe in the state of Israel and the jews are not going to move out.

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