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Laptop to TV

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Hello, I have a Sony vaio laptop with a HDMI port on it, when connected to my TV using a HDMI cable the laptop screen stays on. Is there anyway that I can get the laptop screen to fade away while I am watching films on my TV?



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Hello, I have a Sony vaio laptop with a HDMI port on it, when connected to my TV using a HDMI cable the laptop screen stays on. Is there anyway that I can get the laptop screen to fade away while I am watching films on my TV?




shut the cover?


Serious answer - i dont know whether this will then power down the laptop or not.....

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Hello, I have a Sony vaio laptop with a HDMI port on it, when connected to my TV using a HDMI cable the laptop screen stays on. Is there anyway that I can get the laptop screen to fade away while I am watching films on my TV?




That is truely amazing. I was just about to type the exact message, I also have a laptop to tv with a lead, and what I did was to but a book or magazine in front of it, or turn the laptop 180 degress. I hope this information helps?



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shut the cover?


Serious answer - i dont know whether this will then power down the laptop or not.....


Tried this and it puts the laptop to sleep and kills the screen completely.



That is truely amazing. I was just about to type the exact message, I also have a laptop to tv with a lead, and what I did was to but a book or magazine in front of it, or turn the laptop 180 degress. I hope this information helps?



I had turned it around last night but I was hoping for a more convenient solution than it still sitting giving off light in the corner of the room.

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Try pressing the Fn key and usually F5 or F8 (it will have a picture of 2 screens overlapping on it, or similar)


Keep going until it selects just the external source. This works via VGA, no idea about HDMI though.


Worth a poke, or just set the laptop to do nothing when the lid is closed

Edited by saint_stevo
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I expect you aren't runnung XP like me but there may well be a similar method for yours:


Oope desktop properties (Right click, left click 'prperties)


Left click 'Screensaver' tab.


Left click 'Power' button (opens 'power options properties')


Left click 'Advanced' tab.


On the bootom half of the window, left click the drop-down menu next to 'when I close the lid of my laptop:'


select 'Do nothing'


Left click 'OK' (on both windows).




Should work, did on mine just now.


Note, i am fully prepered for the lolling from all you experts now, but I'm just trying to help. Bring it on ****ers.

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