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Is bear banned?


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Oh bear, you're back, yeah, hi, eh...yeah hi. Listen, I don't know how to tell you this but things have changed around here. Erm... I'm eh, with Turkish now. I won't lie, there is some violence in the relationship but I can't blame him, I knew what I was getting into. He's usually a nice guy, he dresses well, it's just sometimes, eh, he, eh..... Needs to be beaten. It's ok though, we just blame it on his krav yoga wrestling. None at his work notices.


Bletchy has disappeared as well, seems to have gotten lost in a word puzzle. Spudders and Tim have been holding the fort while you have been gone. Things have changed, it's all about raves and red jeans these days, it might take a while for you to get used to it. Sue and golfing Phil are married now and have moved back to the lounge, Rallyboy was the bestman, hell of a speech.


Listen, good luck and stuff, maybe just mike can get you a job packing bags in a supermarket. I hope the sisters weren't too rough on you inside? If you are bored, you can play a network game of football manager with MLG, he posted about it last night but everyone seemed to have legged it. Good luck dude!

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