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I got to SMS at about 2.30 (Chapel Stand) expecting to be able to buy a bottle of Carlsberg from the Carlsberg bar.....but no, it said Bar closed (busiest game of the season :rolleyes:) so I bought half a pint :smt044 at the main kiosk. (asked why the Carlsberg bar wasn't open and got a :smt102)


Half time I asked for 2 pints & it was obvious that one was not a whole pint and I pointed this out to the person who sold it to me.........**** ! you would have thought that I had told the best joke ever, loads of :lol:s.


Anyway, massive que behind me so I just said 'top it up and it's not a problem' did they ?????.......did they **** (useless bunch of ****s)


To cut a long story short, I got a refund for the pint but the sevice you recieve at SMS is **** poor :smt021


Oh, the reason that the Carlsberg stand wasn't serving alcohol......nobody over 18 to service it (un named source)......busiest game of the season, bunch of useless ******s!!!!!!!!!

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The lady in front of me in the food queue asked for a bovril, the girl behind the counter said that she had to go to the other bar to get it. When a supevisor came over it turns out that the girl did not know what boril was. Great staff training program I see.

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The lady in front of me in the food queue asked for a bovril, the girl behind the counter said that she had to go to the other bar to get it. When a supevisor came over it turns out that the girl did not know what boril was. Great staff training program I see.


The training programme is okish. But it depends on how much the person can remember where everything is.

The standards at Saints hospitality should be improved though. but it aint a hard job really.

AS long as you have a decent eye sight and not a numpty, then you will do fine.



(BTW I've worked at Saints hospitality)

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The training programme is okish. But it depends on how much the person can remember where everything is.

The standards at Saints hospitality should be improved though. but it aint a hard job really.

AS long as you have a decent eye sight and not a numpty, then you will do fine.



(BTW I've worked at Saints hospitality)


Tbf they were all numpty's & foreign.


I don't normally moan about things like that because I'm too lazy, but if you're telling one johnny foreigner 'that's not a pint' and they are basically telling you to **** off (even the person 'another foreigner') who was supposed to be in charge of the kiosk...........it's a ******* disgrace :smt065

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