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Secret Site Agent

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  1. Whats the matter with them. Couldn't they get Fred Chairman, or Alfie Manager?
  2. Goodbye Stu Wished you could have stayed but probably fot the best. Good luck and thanks for all those wonderful goals out of nowhere.
  3. And from the look of here, I think she sells it by the ounce on OnlyFans
  4. Yeh sorry about that. My daughters spelling I am afraid when he was her favourite player.
  5. According to Huggy Bear, word on the Street is that Adam Lallana is looking to have a final payday with Saints now back in the Prem. Either as a player off the bench or Player/Coach, now he has been released from Brighton. He has been doing some coaching with England U21 squad. Would you have him back? We did it for Theo. Me, nah. Too much bad blood when he left, i don't think the fan base would get behind him. We could spend the money on someone 10 years younger that could put a shift in for us, not sit on the bench for 70 minutes. My daughter would be chuffed though. He was her favourite player growing up.
  6. I'll go for @Wade Garrett too, an island of calm in a tempest of conflicting views. He comes to us, like a prophet, with every word his gift to an uncompromising world. The Sun, The Moon and the Stars cannot contain the volume of his wisdom, issued, in small but understandable and unquestionable logic, to us. When the people on here thirst from lack of nuanced prose, he delivers as his cup runneth over.. In short, give it 'im.
  7. I also meant to put WELCOME BACK PLASTICS.......You can pretend to be Saints fans again and stop following Chelsea.
  8. Considering the history between them, If I was Russ I'd go into the Leeds changing room and ask Dan Farque and the boys 'Any one for sale?they can play in the Prem next season Only joking
  9. Considering the history between them, If I was Russ I'd go into the Leeds changing room and ask Dan Farque and the boys 'Any one for sale?they can play in the Prem next season Only joking
  10. Git to be honest. So.do.I. And he's best mates with Russell Martin.
  11. I forgot Adam taking his shirt off and celebrating too early. Liked his training bra though,woo woo.
  12. Yes I'm wondering if he's a bit of a fan of Russ? They were having a good word before Russ got interviewed.
  13. Excuse me. Can we go back to the Premier League, please? Thank you so much. 😀😃🙂🙃😊😇😀😃 We did just enough. Would have preferred Saints to have put them to bed with a second, but that'll do me. It wouldn't be Saints otherwise.
  14. Sorry. Nervous 1 hours and 15 mins from............MARK
  15. 1 hour and 15 minutes to go. Have a good day all you travelling boys and girls. Wish I was with you but just getting over a tear in my bowel caused by all the pressure (Only Joking). Onwards and upwards I say COME ON YOU SAINTS!!!!!!!!
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