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Sheaf Saint

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  1. Definitely not a cult https://www.reddit.com/r/themayormccheese/s/OtHYSeyVt2
  2. Some of the mental gymnastics that his supporters have to perform to try and claim he didn't actually say what millions of people heard him say is hilarious, and also terrifying that these people are actually allowed to vote. This is the sign that was up in the briefing room when he made that 'speech': He obviously just read it before he went on camera and then engaged in some mental and verbal diarrhoea about it.
  3. Potentially, yes. There's no way of predicting super-volcanic eruptions with any degree of accuracy. And yes, if such an event were to occur, anthropogenic emissions would pale in comparison to the level of CO2 it would release. But we could be talking thousands or even millions of years in the future, so it doesn't negate the point of controlling our emissions in the here and now.
  4. Yes, but we don't have records for that, only inferences from proxy data. And as badgerx16 points out, those higher temperatures have also coincided with much higher CO2 concentrations and sea levels. An example of this is the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), which was caused by a massive release of carbon into the atmosphere, likely from volcanic activity.
  5. https://www.lse.ac.uk/granthaminstitute/news/costs-and-benefits-of-the-uk-reaching-net-zero-emissions-by-2050-the-evidence/ 1% of GDP by 2050, compared to an estimated 4% of global economy by 2100 if we fail to act... https://www.sciencenews.org/article/climate-economic-costs-rising-seas-will-be-steeper-than-thought
  6. See my subsequent post...
  7. Good luck getting through. He obviously doesn't even understand the difference between climate and weather.
  8. When temperature records are continually broken and the frequency/intensity of heatwaves increases as part of a clear trend over time, then yes you can blame it on global warming. Just because it's raining and a bit nesh in Somerset in early May doesn't prove anything (what exactly is the point you're trying to make anyway?)
  9. Indeed. There's nothing irrational about my dislike for Donny. I despise the man because of the overwhelming evidence from his very public life so far that points to him being a delusional, entitled, narcissistic sociopath with no actual talent for anything other than self-promotion.
  10. Global warming doesn't 'kick in' each year to bring you beach weather because it's a continuous, ongoing process based on a multi-decadal upward trend in average global temperatures. Just because it's a bit chilly where you are compared to what you think it should be for the time of year, doesn't negate that. It will get warmer in your locality when we have a period of high pressure that will prevent Arctic air pushing in from the north (as is happening currently), not when global warming 'kicks in'.
  11. McCarthy made 3 or 4 decent-ish saves against Stoke that kept the scoreline down. None of them were exceptional - they were all the sort of saves you expect a competent keeper at this level to make - but the kind of shots that Baz seems to let in frequently.
  12. I obviously didn't though. Just making the point that 'global' warming has no influence on below average temperatures for the time of year in a single location (it was 17 degrees where I am yesterday - totally normal for early May), while other parts of the world are experiencing exceptionally high temperatures.
  13. Sheaf Saint


    This has been going on for years, but I don't think I've ever seen it reported in this way on the BBC before.
  14. Sorry, I thought you said 'global'. Oh, you did.
  15. Wave of exceptionally hot weather scorches south and south-east Asia | South and central Asia | The Guardian
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