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Players From Last Season...


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...you wish we still had?


Seeing as how we've had "indifferent" results (so far) since clearing out the "deadwood," which players from last season do you look back on and think, "I wish he was still here"


For me Davies (obviously), Rasiak, Saga, Licka and Vignal.


- - - - - - - - - Davis - - - - - - - - -


- - Thomas - Cork - Davies - Vignal - -


Lallana - Surman - Spiderman - Skacel


- - - - - - Rasiak - Saganowski - - - -


If only...

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Saganowski? Really? You were watching last season?? Not the one before when he didn't have a contract...


Well, the current squad have all got contracts, which would obviously explain their performance. After 3 goals in 3 starts, Saga couldn't seem to maintain his scoring rate when sat on the bench last season, which brings us to football basics #437: Players generally perform better when on the pitch.

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