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Composting good or bad?


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Is having a compost bin a good environmentally friendly idea, or a minging breeding ground for maggots and flies? This is part of my 'Good Life' project which will also halt interminably boring trips to supermarkets where you undoubtedly end up buying stuff you did not even know you needed. Such as plug in 'air fresheners', when your house already resembles Kew Gardens.

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Maybe too serious a question for here, but do you have to sort of lay alternate levels of food and paper/garden waste?

yeah, you're supposed to mix it up a bit, chuck some newspaper in there every now and then.

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T'is ok though. We've also got a small bin in the kitchen that we use so we're not constantly traipsing in & out, lined with biodegradable bin liners. :D


If you shred paper then that can go in as well.


My other half is a pyromaniac therefore paper is gone quite quickly.

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We've got a compost bin. I hate the worms that collect around the top of the lid. Yuck.

yeh, that happens with mine too!!!!....makes me feel ill when i lift off the lid .......surely the little buggers should be IN the rubbish, munching away,not OVER it!!:confused:


still, i feel good about "doing my bit", and all my neighbours put their scraps and garden waste in there too, so it's well used!! :D

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