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Wembley from Romsey


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Does it pick up at Hedge End :D


No... although Baddesley and a possible one at Clock Garage, Chilworth are possibilities on some of them.


All us Romsonians are obviously alot more switched on than the stoopid people that are going to attempt to get a train, I know sh!t loads of coaches / minibuses going from here.


Enjoy the train, mugs. :-)

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No... although Baddesley and a possible one at Clock Garage, Chilworth are possibilities on some of them.


All us Romsonians are obviously alot more switched on than the stoopid people that are going to attempt to get a train, I know sh!t loads of coaches / minibuses going from here.


Enjoy the train, mugs. :-)


I've never understood you travel club types. What possible pleasure is there is being whisked to a game and a whisked out straight after?

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whats up with the trains then?


There is the capacity to take around 6,000 passengers, with probably at least half of the 44k choosing to use this route, they take over 2 hours ( not including the 30 minute tube ), you will get stuck on Wembley Way after the game and they are more expensive.


There are only 5 trains to get you there in time, if the train is full... you won't get on and will be stuck in Southampton.


Apart from that, they're fine. :-)

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So getting to the game is better by Romsey Tours, but what about after the game, what time does the bingo bus set sail home?


Not for a couple of hours after the game on most of the 'transport' I know heading there... gotta have a few bevvies in the boozer before heading home f'sure.

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There is the capacity to take around 6,000 passengers, with probably at least half of the 44k choosing to use this route, they take over 2 hours ( not including the 30 minute tube ), you will get stuck on Wembley Way after the game and they are more expensive.


There are only 5 trains to get you there in time, if the train is full... you won't get on and will be stuck in Southampton.


Apart from that, they're fine. :-)


Whatever happened to football specials?

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  • 2 weeks later...
No... although Baddesley and a possible one at Clock Garage, Chilworth are possibilities on some of them.


All us Romsonians are obviously alot more switched on than the stoopid people that are going to attempt to get a train, I know sh!t loads of coaches / minibuses going from here.


Enjoy the train, mugs. :-)


The only thing you Romsonians are switched on about is being able to count to 11 on your fingers!

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No... although Baddesley and a possible one at Clock Garage, Chilworth are possibilities on some of them.


All us Romsonians are obviously alot more switched on than the stoopid people that are going to attempt to get a train, I know sh!t loads of coaches / minibuses going from here.


Enjoy the train, mugs. :-)



you enjoy the coach trip mate, I'll be tucked up in bed wondering what to snarf down in the hotel breakfast room before the 20 minute trip to wemberlee...:p

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
I shall probably walk the 10 minutes from my friends house, be in Silverspoons for 9am8-)


You have a friend Kippy? Blimey?


Hang on it's not the maggots friend is it?

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
Nope, he's all mine.


Good for you, kippy; you've done very well. Now don't go all silly and lose him, will you?

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