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Which way will the Liberals turn?


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I thought they already said they'd go with the Tories?


Clegg's public line is neither.


It's hard to see how a Tory/Lib Dem deal could work. One of Lib Dems key themes is voting reform and the membership would be in uproar if it was dropped (remember, democratic party unlike other two). Cameron has already said he won't change FPTP, so just can't see how it would happen.

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One of the latest polls shows the Liberals dropping to 16% and I personally think this is because voters have realised that if you vote Liberal you're taking a gamble as to whether you're actually voting Labour or Tory. To be sure of either keeping Brown or getting rid the only safe way is to vote Labour or Tory.

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A right wing Unionist party doing a deal with left wing anti-Union parties?


That's whta I thought, and is why I believe that the Liberals will want to keep Brown in Power in the event of a hung parliament.

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They won't want to do it but they would do it but, IMHO, demand Cable be occupy No11.


It'd never work. Brown is a control freak and self confessed saviour of the planet when it comes to financial matters. He'd never let anyone other than a puppet do that job.

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A right wing Unionist party doing a deal with left wing anti-Union parties?


Yup. It is much easier for Tories to do a deal with these two than Lib Dems. Just throw a bit of extra cash at Scotland and Wales in return for support of Queen's Speech.

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Yup. It is much easier for Tories to do a deal with these two than Lib Dems. Just throw a bit of extra cash at Scotland and Wales in return for support of Queen's Speech.


Don't buy that at all.


Unionist right wingers aren't going to do a deal with left wing parties that want to break up said union.


SNP and the taffs would be easier bedfellows for Labour.

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SNP and the taffs would be easier bedfellows for Labour.


Mmmm, not sure about that because in Scotland the SNP versus Labour is like Labour vesrus the Tories in England. Personally i can't see the SNP joining a coalition.

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Don't buy that at all.


Unionist right wingers aren't going to do a deal with left wing parties that want to break up said union.


SNP and the taffs would be easier bedfellows for Labour.


They'd do a deal with anyone. Can you imagine would a coup it would be for the SNP to be in government in Britain getting extra money for Scotland? People too often look at ideologies instead of how politics plays out. There are council's across the country which are joint Labour/Tory coalitions to keep te Lib Dems out. Bristol was one until the Lib Dems defeated both last year.


If Tories are just short it will be a rainbow coalition.

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Mmmm, not sure about that because in Scotland the SNP versus Labour is like Labour vesrus the Tories in England. Personally i can't see the SNP joining a coalition.


Imagine the bargain they could drive north of the wall to keep Labour in power south of it?


They'd certainly get a referendum on independence. It would be the price of a deal.

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Imagine the bargain they could drive north of the wall to keep Labour in power south of it?


They'd certainly get a referendum on independence. It would be the price of a deal.


They don't need the Westminster government to grant them a referendum on independence.

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They'd do a deal with anyone. Can you imagine would a coup it would be for the SNP to be in government in Britain getting extra money for Scotland? People too often look at ideologies instead of how politics plays out. There are council's across the country which are joint Labour/Tory coalitions to keep te Lib Dems out. Bristol was one until the Lib Dems defeated both last year.


If Tories are just short it will be a rainbow coalition.


There is now way the Socialist SNP would do a deal with the tories. It would cause ructions north of the wall and lead to them losing power in the Scottish parliament. No way their core vote would support the propping up of a tory government.


Sorry Bungle, you are way off the mark on this one.

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There is now way the Socialist SNP would do a deal with the tories. It would cause ructions north of the wall and lead to them losing power in the Scottish parliament. No way their core vote would support the propping up of a tory government.


Sorry Bungle, you are way off the mark on this one.


Ha. Well, I most certainly am not. Absolutely all of the above is complete b*ll*cks.

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I know, but they could ensure that Scottish Labour don't campaign against it.


As if Scottish Labour would do such a U-turn on a fundamental Scottish Labour point of principle. It'd destroy Labour in Scotland because there would be a mutiny.

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