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Sid Meier


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I'm going through a Sid Meier phase at the moment. I'm a real fan of his work. Civilization blew my mind when I first played it on PC, a sort of time-travelling version of chess. I'd never played anything quite like it. I was also a huge fan of Railroad Tycoon! on the Amiga. Pirates! too.


I think what I really like about the games he puts his name to ( some of the Civ sequels bore his name yet had different designers ) is the permanence. A lot of the other 'god' games of the era tore down your creations at the end of the level, only to rinse and repeat with a slight variation. Yet in something like Civ, everything you do matters, affecting the rest of the game.


Right now, I'm back on Pirates! But Railroads! was last week's game of choice. Both are just refined versions of 20 year old games, but when the design is that good, it doesn't really matter.

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