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Saints in Iceland/Denmark

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I have to remember reading this subforum - sorry for the delayed reply ;)


I'd defo come to Cph if time allows it (PhD student with 2 small kids and a third on the way in a few weeks :s) - would be great fun to see the match with fellow fans.


As stated above, I only know of Saints fans in Aalborg and Århus, but maybe this thread will unearth others?

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I'm at a PhD course 3 days that week in December so little chance that I'll go to Chp - my wife will probably be looking very much forward to seeing me home to help with the boys...


Btw, I thought all Saints fans had slit their wrists - Scandinavian based too ;)

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I am in Copenhagen from the 17th -24th April.. There is a good chance they will show the Swansea v Southampton match somewhere on the 20th April as Swansea are popular in Copenhagen due to the Laudrup effect I believe..


I normally watch football in Kennedy's when in Copenhagen.. Anywhere else to recommend?

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I am in Copenhagen from the 17th -24th April.. There is a good chance they will show the Swansea v Southampton match somewhere on the 20th April as Swansea are popular in Copenhagen due to the Laudrup effect I believe..


I normally watch football in Kennedy's when in Copenhagen.. Anywhere else to recommend?


A reasonable assumption with regards to the Swansea match being shown here in DK. We see them a lot ;-)


I'm still on paternity leave by then, so no traveling from me. If people manage to swing by Aalborg I'll fire up the barbecue and get some beer :D

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Neibb, not Hafsteinn. A saints fan from Iceland, living in Iceland supporter since 1992 ;)


Ok cool, I don't live in Iceland, haven't since '99. But cool to know of more Icelandic Saints. (veit ekki hvernig maður sendir private-skilaboð hérna, en best að halda áfram á ensku hérna allavegana)

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I've only ever run into 1, when I was watching the JPT final a couple years ago, at the English Pub I think. Ring a bell for anyone?


Could have been me. The OE has been my 'local' for the last 15 years but I don't remember watching the JPT there to be honest. With that said i've had so many hazy nights in there they have all merged into one. Was I devilishly handsome or was it that lad from Salisbury who can't handle his drink?

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