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What's happened in the past month?


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I've been in Uganda for the past month with no phone, news or internet. So my question is, what has happened? Was there the meltdown everyone expected or have we kept some of our players?


We sold Lovren and Chambers and signed Ryan Bertrand on loan.


Club starting to make the right noises about keeping players and signing players but I think everyone has been burnt from the exploits in May / June and are waiting to see if the Board can deliver.

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We sold Lovren and Chambers and signed Ryan Bertrand on loan.


Club starting to make the right noises about keeping players and signing players but I think everyone has been burnt from the exploits in May / June and are waiting to see if the Board can deliver.


Thats a rather good summary!

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We sold Lovren and Chambers and signed Ryan Bertrand on loan.


Club starting to make the right noises about keeping players and signing players but I think everyone has been burnt from the exploits in May / June and are waiting to see if the Board can deliver.


And Saphir Taïder on loan.

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