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Death Cult


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The Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbot, recently referred to the 'Death Cult', referring to the people who behead people in Syria/Iraq. This bloke is normally a complete jerk, but I like the way his advisors have found a term which is not religiously loaded.


I am not sure if this a consistent approach, but it seems sensible to not acknowledge these people as Islamists, Muslims etc, thereby casting regular muslims as being in favour.

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The Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbot, recently referred to the 'Death Cult', referring to the people who behead people in Syria/Iraq. This bloke is normally a complete jerk, but I like the way his advisors have found a term which is not religiously loaded.


I am not sure if this a consistent approach, but it seems sensible to not acknowledge these people as Islamists, Muslims etc, thereby casting regular muslims as being in favour.


The term 'death cult' was first applied - to Al Qaeda - by ex-CIA officer Robert Baer. He's written and made television series about it. As a means of explaining the motives of recruits it's not a bad analysis (placing Al Qeada, ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, etc on a par with the Jonestown Masscacre fantasists or Manson acolytes), but it nowhere near tells the whole story of what these organisations are about and why they flourish.

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The Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbot, recently referred to the 'Death Cult', referring to the people who behead people in Syria/Iraq. This bloke is normally a complete jerk, but I like the way his advisors have found a term which is not religiously loaded.


I am not sure if this a consistent approach, but it seems sensible to not acknowledge these people as Islamists, Muslims etc, thereby casting regular muslims as being in favour.


I like Abbott, he is stupid but at least he says what he means. He was the pick of a bad bunch to be honest.

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