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will wilde be writing his usual...


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I found Mikey's notes earlier...


Dear Fans,


By the time you read this I will be gone. Do not mourn my removal because I feel that my legacy will be the 'Fans Parliament' - therefore giving me ample opportunity in the future to refer to my 'achievements'.


Oh, not to forget my support for George Burley in his quest to waste transfer funds. Or that SaintMarc chappie on the Forum, he was very perceptive wasn't he??


One other thing before I sign off, now you may all be wondering why I chose to back Rupert Lowe and I feel I must be honest with you.


He cornered me and gave me a Chinese Burn followed by a wedgie.



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****** in the matchday program?

will there be refreshments for sale?

has the brewery refused to sub us any beer?

will flybe and umbro scuttle off like rats?

will notts county repo McG?


1. Don't think so. OS doesn't mention it. Just an exclusive with Euell and an interview with Fry, amongst other things.

2. Don't see why not.

3. If it's generating proffit, I don't see why we wouldn't pay them, so I'm guessing not.

4. No reason to, as long as we still put logos on shirts and pay for our kit.

5. We can but hope!

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****** in the matchday program?

2, will there be refreshments for sale?

3, has the brewery refused to sub us any beer?

4, will flybe and umbro scuttle off like rats?

5, will notts county repo McG?




1, I will find out later today

2, I'm sure

3, Not yet, we are a going concern which means continuing sales

4, Already paid up with nothing to lose

5, Don't believe we owe as much as claimed, they of course can have him back today!

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