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Staying up all night


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The first time it's ever been close in my lifetime, I'll be up to the wee samll hours watching the swingometer, love it, love results, best bit of eurovision is the scoring.


Wogans comments were the only good bit of Eurovision.

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They should get Wogan to do election night on the Guinness. I would stay up for that.


I will be staying up for it. Always do. I love hearing the talking heads being found utterly wrong when the results come in.


Also, it really will be quite something to witness the Labour stooges disown Brown on air tomorrow night as it becomes apparent that he has not been returned to Downing Street. And mark my words, as soon as it is obvious that Labour has not got a mandate the knives will be out for Brown and all the jockeying for position within the Labour party will begin - on air!!!!!!


Bring it on! The real 'reality TV' !!! ;)

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I will most certainly be up all night for this.


Watched the '08 US election and sat up all night for that - Dizzee Rascal's appearance was priceless, Paxman referring to him as "Mr. Rascal" had me in stitches!


Worked for the Republicans at the '06 election (voluntary work experience through school - not as a show of support) and watching the deluded philadelphian republicans faces as they took a trouncing was rather amusing.


Also sat up for the entirety of the '05 election. Will be intersting to actually see a close election and the results unfold for once!

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I will most certainly be up all night for this.


Watched the '08 US election and sat up all night for that - Dizzee Rascal's appearance was priceless, Paxman referring to him as "Mr. Rascal" had me in stitches!


Worked for the Republicans at the '06 election (voluntary work experience through school - not as a show of support) and watching the deluded philadelphian republicans faces as they took a trouncing was rather amusing.


Also sat up for the entirety of the '05 election. Will be intersting to actually see a close election and the results unfold for once!


IamLeGod, are you a Yank?! Explain yourself!

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Nope not a yank at all. Born in Harrow, raised in Ruislip now living in Leeds studying at University.


My school ran a work experience opportunity allowing students to get involved with politics in the 'final push' as it were. Took the opportunity as I am very interested in politics (as I have said on other threads I am a politics student), and at the time was interested in perhaps pursuing a career politics (have subsequently changed my mind) and thought voluntary work of the like would look good on the CV and personal statement as I was in the process of applying for university at the time.


I am in the process of writing my autobiography, when it is finished I shall keep you informed as to details and where it will be available :)

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Nope not a yank at all. Born in Harrow, raised in Ruislip now living in Leeds studying at University.


My school ran a work experience opportunity allowing students to get involved with politics in the 'final push' as it were. Took the opportunity as I am very interested in politics (as I have said on other threads I am a politics student), and at the time was interested in (1.) perhaps pursuing a career politics (have subsequently changed my mind) and thought voluntary work of the like would look good on the CV and personal statement as I was in the process of applying for university at the time.


(2.)I am in the process of writing my autobiography, when it is finished I shall keep you informed as to details and where it will be available :)


1. Chappie, there is nothing more likely to make me hate you than your saying that you wish to pursue a 'career' in politics. Seriously mate, squirrel this one away somewhere and don't ever, ever mention it again. If you walked into my local and introduced yourself as someone who 'wanted to pursue a career in politics' you would leave with a broken nose and a bloody shirt. Get it?


2. How old are you?!!! Have you lived long enough to gather enough material to fill an autobiography?


I might have you wrong, however I reckon you are a well meaning kid but for Christ's sake at least live a while before going into politics and writing your book!

Edited by 1976_Child
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1. Chappie, there is nothing more likely to make me hate you than your saying that you wish to pursue a 'career' in politics. Seriously mate, squirrel this one away somewhere and don't ever, ever mention it again. If you walked into my local and introduced yourself as someone who 'wanted to pursue a career in politics' you would leave with a broken nose and a bloody shirt. Get it?


2. How old are you?!!! Have you lived long enough to gather enough material to fill an autobiography?


I might have you wrong, however I reckon you are a well meaning kid but for Christ's sake at least live a while before going into politics and writing your book!


Haha. It's nice to see someone taking an interest in their fellow SWF members.


By career I meant more behind the scene, certainly not a politician. And it was more a way of seeing if that was the sort of thing I may like to go into at a later date. Sorry if i didnt explain myself correctly.


As I said before, I have since decided this is not for me, and turned down the opportunity to be a Candidate for Leeds City council, along with the fact it would have been as a tory candidate - and as I have previously made clear on here I am not a tory, I infact I have affiliation to any political party.


Secondly, as you asked I am 21. I was merely mocking you asking if I was a yank, and asking me to explain myself. And just to reassure you I have no plans (in the foreseeable future at least) to write an autobiography.


I hope this dispels any worries you have :)

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And just to reassure you I have no plans (in the foreseeable future at least) to write an autobiography.


(2. I am in the process of writing my autobiography, when it is finished I shall keep you informed as to details and where it will be available)



Bull crap sunshine! You said above [2.] that you were 'in the process' of writing your autobiography and when it is finished you said you will let me know where to get it. Having 'no plans to write it' is totally different.


One further bit of advice: never bull**** your way out of an embarrassing situation. Just own up and say 'fair cop'.

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Bull crap sunshine! You said above that you were 'in the process' of writing your autobiography. Having 'no plans to write it' is totally different.


One further bit of advice: never bull**** your way out of an embarrassing situation. Just own up and say 'fair cop'.


Haha. I assure you it is not bull crap. As I said I was joking. It would be rather dull, and very short.


As you said previously I am far too young to even consider writing an autobiography, not that seems to stop many a celeb. Furthermore, my current efforts are focused solely on the completion of my dissertation.

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Haha. I assure you it is not bull crap. As I said I was joking. It would be rather dull, and very short.


As you said previously I am far too young to even consider writing an autobiography, not that seems to stop many a celeb. Furthermore, my current efforts are focused solely on the completion of my dissertation.


What's the title of your dissertation?

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I am writing about Nationalism, Nationhood and Identity in Virtual Worlds.


Cue the subsequent mocking...


Not at all.


So I guess we are talking about Second Life and the ilk?


Here's a bunch of spontaneous questions to kick-start this debate:


1. How does an avatar in a virtual world draw upon 'his' free will to determine whether or not he has right of claim over 'territory' in the virtual world if he is actually just a construct of his benevolent carbon-based master's whit and imagination?


2. Do avatars have rights outside of their virtual world? If so, how should carbon-based masters enforce those rights? Should it not be up to the avatars to sort it out amongst themselves? Is it right for Carbonites to lay down the law through computer code which can not be changed?


3. Stepping out of the silicon-based Virtual World, how should we Carbonites deal with issues of religion and common law in order to set a good example to our silica constructs?



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Not at all.


So I guess we are talking about Second Life and the ilk?


Here's a bunch of spontaneous questions to kick-start this debate:


1. How does an avatar in a virtual world draw upon 'his' free will to determine whether or not he has right of claim over 'territory' in the virtual world if he is actually just a construct of his benevolent carbon-based master's whit and imagination?


2. Do avatars have rights outside of their virtual world? If so, how should carbon-based masters enforce those rights? Should it not be up to the avatars to sort it out amongst themselves? Is it right for Carbonites to lay down the law through computer code which can not be changed?


3. Stepping out of the silicon-based Virtual World, how should we Carbonites deal with issues of religion and common law in order to set a good example to our silica constructs?




I'm glad you are taking an interest. But would rather not discuss this on here and will pm you.


Arrrrghhh sorry 1976, comp really is going mental

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Bloody Irish immigrant!


If you really cared you'd have flown in to England to vote. Yesterday I met a friend at the airport who had flown in from Malaga to vote, that shows comittment. Shame on you.

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Not at all.


So I guess we are talking about Second Life and the ilk?


Here's a bunch of spontaneous questions to kick-start this debate:


1. How does an avatar in a virtual world draw upon 'his' free will to determine whether or not he has right of claim over 'territory' in the virtual world if he is actually just a construct of his benevolent carbon-based master's whit and imagination?


2. Do avatars have rights outside of their virtual world? If so, how should carbon-based masters enforce those rights? Should it not be up to the avatars to sort it out amongst themselves? Is it right for Carbonites to lay down the law through computer code which can not be changed?


3. Stepping out of the silicon-based Virtual World, how should we Carbonites deal with issues of religion and common law in order to set a good example to our silica constructs?




Sorry mush but i have never heard such crap in my life, you actually expended energy thinking about that?

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
If you really cared you'd have flown in to England to vote. Yesterday I met a friend at the airport who had flown in from Malaga to vote, that shows comittment. Shame on you.


If he's decided to live abroad, what right has he in helping decide the outcome of an election. Ex-pats who choose to live abroad should be barred from voting.

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If he's decided to live abroad, what right has he in helping decide the outcome of an election. Ex-pats who choose to live abroad should be barred from voting.


But what about if he/she still has interests in the UK. They might own a house and rent it out or people could be retired and have their UK pension paid. They still have the right to have their voice heard as government direction has an effect on their lives still.

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But what about if he/she still has interests in the UK. They might own a house and rent it out or people could be retired and have their UK pension paid. They still have the right to have their voice heard as government direction has an effect on their lives still.


But they are as good as them nasty foreign types now.

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If he's decided to live abroad, what right has he in helping decide the outcome of an election. Ex-pats who choose to live abroad should be barred from voting.


He and his wife live in the UK for a few months in the summer and in Spain when it's cold.

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