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Ocean Village Pictures

Golden Balls

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What?? They knocked down Ocean Village?


As good as....they have closed nearly all shops and bars only a couple remain.

Thats one resaon why Portsmouth have taken over Tall Ships race etc.

Southampton Council are a disgrace and this is what it could of been like




I know that some of the shops were priced out of business by extortionate rents and charged if they closed whilst meant to be open but our greedy council just saw the cash for the land...

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Ocean Village has always been a pathetic development ever since. It started out as a marina for yachties, and yet not a single chandler's shop or any facilities to fill up with fuel or water. It was the landlubbers idea of a marina. Thankfully, Shamrock Quay, up the Itchen, delivers those facilities, but really... Ocean Village was a joke. Yachties will always fill the place, but ask their opinion, and it's pretty low. I believe it's supposed to be a tad better nowadays.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
Could it have gotten any worse smiley-confused004.gif


They could have modelled it on New Orleans




On seconds thoughts, maybe they already have...

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Ocean Village, RIP, killed by Jack Candy.


You might recall Ocean Village was going to be linked to Above Bar and the city centre by the proposed monorail.


If built, the monorail could have done for Ocean Village exactly what a similar mode of transport did for Darling Harbour in Sydney.




Darling Harbour had similarities to Ocean Village; it was a redundant, run-down former port area, out on a limb, a mile or so from the main hub of the city centre.


The development was really given its lifeblood by the monorail, and a similar monorail would have done the same for Ocean Village.


But former mayor Jack Candy, in his role of Curmudgeon in Chief of the Southampton preservation Society, put the kibosh on the monorail, and effectively condemned ocean Village to death.


Nice one Jack, well done.


Still, he did manage to get the rose Garden fountain moved outside the art gallery.


Last time I saw it, it wasn't working.

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Ocean Village, RIP, killed by Jack Candy.


You might recall Ocean Village was going to be linked to Above Bar and the city centre by the proposed monorail.


If built, the monorail could have done for Ocean Village exactly what a similar mode of transport did for Darling Harbour in Sydney.




Darling Harbour had similarities to Ocean Village; it was a redundant, run-down former port area, out on a limb, a mile or so from the main hub of the city centre.


The development was really given its lifeblood by the monorail, and a similar monorail would have done the same for Ocean Village.


But former mayor Jack Candy, in his role of Curmudgeon in Chief of the Southampton preservation Society, put the kibosh on the monorail, and effectively condemned ocean Village to death.


Nice one Jack, well done.


Still, he did manage to get the rose Garden fountain moved outside the art gallery.


Last time I saw it, it wasn't working.


This typifies out council. Morons. Bakwards morons.

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