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Download a program called CCLeaner and run this It should help / cure issue.


Use the download latest version and just run the installer.


It could be down to a couple of issues but this program should help you out.


It basically looks at all the crap on your pc and removes all of it. Also It searches your registry for any missing crap and cleans it up.


If you want more info about the program then go here



Hope this helps

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If your using tune up utilities then you probably need to format and start again......should do it 6monthly anyway IMO


Ok thanks.


I've done that formatting thing recently and am running the Uniblue Registry Cleaner and 'Speed Up' programmes approximately once a week. Can't say I've noticed any obvious differences from before I had them though.


Is it still worth running the program from the Malwarebytes site you have recommended above on top of the Uniblue stuff or will it make no difference?

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Malwarebytes is a spyware/malware/adware removal tool, so unless your machine is infected it wont make any difference (worth running a scan every month or so though, so worth installing)


TuneUp (not free) is about the only thing i have ever used, because a customer had already bought and paid for it, and that only returned moderate results really.


Slow P.C then Ron? Or just curious?

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Slow P.C then Ron? Or just curious?


No not really. To be honest I was not sure whether my PC was 'slow' or not so took the opportunity to test the theory, but as I said above, I've seen no discernable speed up. I'm happy with the speed.


I'll run the Malwarebytes program anyway and see what turns up.

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As I say try CCLeaner it is not just a registry cleaner but really does work. Used this to get rid of all sorts of crap which actually sped up my work PC 2 fold. It also helps to find all those little bits of crap left over by malware and spyware once the anit malware and spyware programs have done their jobs.

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As I say try CCLeaner it is not just a registry cleaner but really does work. Used this to get rid of all sorts of crap which actually sped up my work PC 2 fold. It also helps to find all those little bits of crap left over by malware and spyware once the anit malware and spyware programs have done their jobs.


so, having 3095 errors is a bad thing, right?

Edited by SO16_Saint
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