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Sadly only one more episode to go but what a show this has been. A brutal take down if the Murdochs and others of their ilk, last night’s episode was particularly insightful into the way that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

A regular poster on here once famously told us that socialism was “dangerous”. If you need any more proof of the dangers of capitalism then you need to binge watch this show.

The acting, script writing, pacing and shooting are all first class. The subject matter is particularly pertinent at the moment with political shifts to the right aided by a media that is only too happy to propagate lies and misinformation to a gullible public.

If you haven’t caught it yet, do. Probably the closest thing we have to a modern day Shakespearean epic with tragedy and dark comedy rolled into one.

Logan Roy’s eulogy by his brother last night needs to be read out at Murdoch’s funeral when he dies. Priceless.

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