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  1. Oh c'mon - we look this rubbish in pre-season every year! Particularly when there's a new manager.
  2. I've been around, thanks for asking, Whelk. But between this and the other place, there's only so much male posturing a gal can take
  3. Thanks for the link. Levels of individual heroism in Syria are just off the scale.
  4. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere - can't remember where - that he needed a week back home in Argentina for personal/family reasons, before he started with us....
  5. I don't think Sanders has ever come across as incompetent? Whereas Corbyn definitely does, hence why I'm bundling two clearly very different politicians in a similar camp. A lot of people, both sides of the Atlantic, don't seem that fussed by the question of whether either are competent enough to run the country. Corbyn may technically be a career politician (again, whatever that means) but his appeal seems to be in that he's considered a 'man with principles' (whatever that means) and the 'career' bit gets ignored. The illusion that we don't like 'career politicians' anymore so we're prepared to consider a buffoon (Trump) or a blundering nice-guy (Corbyn, just don't mention the iRA), could get both countries into a bit of a mess. As far as I can tell, a lot of this is based on perceived lack for trust for politicians/politics and the little rules we make up in our heads for why one person is 'ok' and another 'not'. As well as a lot of other things, of course. Risky experiment.
  6. Sadly, that's pretty much nailed it. Corbyn is the Trump equivalent - not in policies, but in competence. I guess his popularity is a rally against the 'career politician' whatever that means. Which makes politics pretty d*mn depressing at the moment. I've not decided which way I'm voting yet. Definitely not Tory (would rather die). But Corbyn is my MP and I'm pretty d*mn p*ssed off with him and his band of idiots. Brexit protest is an option, even if just for my own therapy.
  7. Yeah, I thought the same. He definitely didn't look a happy bunny after the game or his normal self in the interview.
  8. Didn't Koeman say a few games back how we need to toughen up? It could be a consequence of the need for us to be less of a 'nice' team, and we're just not very good at it yet!
  9. Maybe regaining confidence in a lower league before getting another crack at the Premier League will do him good. I still like the guy and hope he does well.
  10. Following a link from that article I came to this : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/labour/12161216/Is-the-Labour-Partys-problem-with-racism-beyond-repair.html 'Last night, a statement from the Oxford University Jewish Society began to circulate on social media, claiming to give an insight into how this problem with Jews was actually manifesting itself. According to the statement, senior members of the Labour club liked to regale listeners with a song called “Rockets over Tel Aviv” and endorse Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians. They were in the habit of casually referring to Jewish students as “Zio”. They repeated tropes about the “Zionist lobby” and “high net worth Jewish individuals”. They stated all Jews should be required to denounce Zionism and the state of Israel, and that those who refused to do so should be shunned. And they had arranged for a group of students to harass a Jewish student and shout “filthy Zionist” at her.' Good god, what is it with people? What a bunch of a*seh*les.
  11. Well, it was a moment of empathy for a man in an embarrassing position. But I accept that's my human weakness, and it would gain no thanks from the man himself. If he just laughed or something, he would have gained some control from the situation. But to just stand there and take it, looking a bit ruffled, was not good and made him looked a bullied man. Which is not a position of leadership. But regardless of Corbyn, clips like that don't do politics any favours. And in the other one, Cameron is a prat of the highest order.
  12. I don't disagree with your analysis on Corbyn. But Cameron doing 'patronising' always makes him look like a slimy condescending pr*ck, and while the other "who are you?" clip is a genuinely funny response, watching a whole room laughing at one man standing up, is pretty unedifying. Yup, that's where we've got to - I'm now feeling sorry for Corbyn. Not good.
  13. Oh my god. That was pretty cringeworthy. And clearly rehearsed. What a d*ckhead!
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