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  1. egg


    That sounds like a very long winded yes to my initial questions. Not sure why you didn't just respond with 'Yes, Yes'. You've become a right awkward cunt.
  2. egg


    You sound defensive. And evasive. You could say that you think that a strict interpretation of Sharia law is an effective deterrent in the same that you consider the Israeli collective punishment an effective deterrent. If that's what you believe. Or you may differentiate.
  3. egg


    It's widely used, and however you dress it up, it's a form of collective punishment. In no civilised society should the extended family pay for the crimes of their family members. Punish the guilty only.
  4. egg


    Like strict interpretation of Sharia law? The same logic must attach to Jews as well as Muslims, yes?
  5. egg


    Would you advocate that here? Is it acceptable?
  6. egg


    You jest, but Israel do too... reprisals include bulldozing or blowing up the houses of the families of people who they feel act against the state of Israel. Imagine getting arrested, and your folks get told to pack and leave in an hour cos they're going to blow their house up. Mental.
  7. egg


    Probably their thinking!
  8. egg


    Absolutely, disabling kids with dum dum bullets, killing them, often for throwing stones at the most. Appalling behaviour that's been brushed under the carpet for too long. Nice to see the BBC highlighting it, at last.
  9. egg


    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cw07wgrwzywo Palestinian children being used for target practice is at last being exposed.
  10. Then we agree that he's not been good enough.
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