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Time for a poll on JP ?

Raven on the wing

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With nearly a third of the season gone is it time we had a poll on our new manager perhaps along the lines of ;-





A/ Doing a good job should be given more time to prove himself.

B/ Might do a better job , and should be given a totally free rein by you know who.

C/ Cheap option and has proved clueless. Should be replaced asap.

D/ Not in favour but replacing him now would not help the club.

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Hands totally tied behind his back. NOT by Lowe but simply by the predicament the club finds itself in at the moment. No other manager would come in and be happy to coach a squad full of kids. JP appreciates the club and the opportunity he has been given, and above all, seems to buy in to the whole youth ethos we now have as a result of our financial situation.


There are times this season where I have questioned his judgement and formation choices but I dont go to training and see what goes on there. The simple fact is, we cant afford seasoned campaigners and I would rather have a team of young, hungry tryers than a load of journeymen here for their last payday. The only way these kids are going to improve is by playing. It means this seaosn is going to be painful but in the long-run this could well be the best thing the club has done in a very long while.

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I said in a thread before the Swansea game that the next 3 games (Swansea,Coventry,Preston) would be vital for us. If we come out of that period with nothing i would switch from undecided to against. So going into Saturday i have it down as a must win game. If we win i will see 4 points from 9 as the bare minimum of acceptability. If we draw i will see it as not acceptable. And if we lose then for me that is it. I will think it is time to go. Our best chance for survival is to win our home games and get something from the teams who are around us. Only one win at home is not good enough and if we go 4 losses in the past 6 matches that would be a total of 13 points from 45. However you look at it that number would be truely awful and would have no option but to go.


Now changing the manager with someone else with no experience won't change the sitaution, changing the manager for someone who will be another Lowe yes man won't change the situation. What we need is someone who can come in and change the system to a more positive one. Someone who can take the players under their wing and help them, someone who can get the best out of them but more importantly understands the league. Understands it is tough and you have to be positive in your set up and understands the fans will not be happy if you looklike your playing for a draw with 3 mins to go by bringing on a striker for a free kick who is smaller then the guy yo taken off...


So we will see what happens and i hope we win as i feel sorry for Jan. But he does himself no favours with his tactics and decisions. You must live and die by your decisions as they say. This is a results buisness, if he is here to get no points then give me the job, i can do that for half the salary!

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The problem is who are you gonna get in to replace him though? You know how this club works, if JP leaves then Lowe will simply employ Wotte or Henderson as first team coach and we'll be in exactly the same predicament. I like JP, i think hes an honest and positive coach with a good idea of how to play football the 'right' way. Unfortunately this league is very very tough to play pretty football in and over the last 14 games its obvious that Jan doesnt have the desire or perhaps even the know-how to change the style of play to improve results. For that reason im starting to side towards the get rid category but ONLY if we have a replacement with the qualities that you have listed. Finding that right person could be the only redeeming feature of Lowe and Wilde's horrific second chance at club chairmenship.

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The problem is who are you gonna get in to replace him though..............I like JP, i think hes an honest and positive coach with a good idea of how to play football the 'right' way. ............


Well i go for C.


Yes, he sounds like he is a nice and honest, decent person and I don't wish him any harm. but I know lots of nice, honest, decent people and JP, like them, is just not capable of managing a CC footy team. He just isn't up to it. Its not fair to anyone for him to keep doing it.


And i don't think he has a "good idea of how to play football the 'right' way". He knows how he wants it to be played, but sometimes the other 11 players on the pitch want a go as well. You have to mould the team to play as a team in the way that suits the team members, not come in with some abstract "best way to play" (that worked in the 70's but realistically things have moved on a bit since then...) and expect them to behave like world champions. But thats the same thing; he doesn't have what it takes to suceed.


And as for who could succed him, well, very many could, but the really bad news is that the evile vile Lowe is the one who is in charge, so the questoin is really "... who is Lowe gonna get in to replace him though.......". Well, go down 3 divisions and you'd have a choice of people who would be willing to give it a go at Saints. But I don't think that will guyarantee any sort of success.


Ah well.

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With nearly a third of the season gone is it time we had a poll on our new manager perhaps along the lines of ;-





A/ Doing a good job should be given more time to prove himself.

B/ Might do a better job , and should be given a totally free rein by you know who.

C/ Cheap option and has proved clueless. Should be replaced asap.

D/ Not in favour but replacing him now would not help the club.


To be fair you need to define the word manager. Perhaps asst manager might be more appropriate.

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With nearly a third of the season gone is it time we had a poll on our new manager perhaps along the lines of ;-





A/ Doing a good job should be given more time to prove himself.

B/ Might do a better job , and should be given a totally free rein by you know who.

C/ Cheap option and has proved clueless. Should be replaced asap.

D/ Not in favour but replacing him now would not help the club.


If you go for C, then the next person get's to work as a B, as there is no way Lowe can stay if his "revolutionary coaching set up" is dismantled.


That is why IMHO, Lowe will view it as A or D. Jab's going nowhere IMHO as it would undermine Lowe. This appointent either succeeds or the Club goes into meltdown.

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C I'm afraid, even jan knows he hasn't got a clue, the people who think he is the man to lead the club forward are deluded, however he is a nice guy, a nice guy that's been led by lowe to certain career humiliation.

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With nearly a third of the season gone is it time we had a poll on our new manager perhaps along the lines of ;-





A/ Doing a good job should be given more time to prove himself.

B/ Might do a better job , and should be given a totally free rein by you know who.

C/ Cheap option and has proved clueless. Should be replaced asap.

D/ Not in favour but replacing him now would not help the club.




C ....... He's Lowe's Puppet, has few Quality experienced players to call upon, is told by Lowe who to play, and when ....... no experience of UK Football, very limited in tactical awareness .......... was on a hiding to nothing right from the word go .......... and, as our League position suggests, ......... the chickens are certainly coming home to roost now

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With nearly a third of the season gone is it time we had a poll on our new manager perhaps along the lines of ;-





A/ Doing a good job should be given more time to prove himself.

B/ Might do a better job , and should be given a totally free rein by you know who.

C/ Cheap option and has proved clueless. Should be replaced asap.

D/ Not in favour but replacing him now would not help the club.




C ....... He's Lowe's Puppet, has few Quality experienced players to call upon, is told by Lowe who to play, and when ....... no experience of UK Football, very limited in tactical awareness .......... was on a hiding to nothing right from the word go .......... and, as our League position suggests, ......... the chickens are certainly coming home to roost now

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There is no chance that any manager will be given free reign by Lowe or any other chairman in our financial situation. We have to keep cutting costs in order for the club to keep running, therefore we will be stuck with a 'yes man' until our circumstances improve.

I think A. He has made some poor tactical decisions, but he has got some of the youngsters playing well and I believe he is now getting a decent balance in the team with some older heads coming back.

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There is no chance that any manager will be given free reign by Lowe or any other chairman in our financial situation. We have to keep cutting costs in order for the club to keep running, therefore we will be stuck with a 'yes man' until our circumstances improve.

I think A. He has made some poor tactical decisions, but he has got some of the youngsters playing well and I believe he is now getting a decent balance in the team with some older heads coming back.

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