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Another Sex Attack in the City


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Without in any way suggesting that "she had it coming", because anyone should be able to walk any where without being attacked, but why would anybody, let alone a woman on her own choose to walk down a dark alley, especially when there is a well lit main road 10 yards further away, that will take her to the same destination.

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I hope the University and the Institute are making their students aware. Until he's caught no woman should walk alone at night.


A local taxi firm (Radio Taxis) has very kindly offered to take lone students home even if they have no cash on them - all you need to do is give the taxi driver your student ID details and then you pay your taxi fare at the student services centre on campus the next day. So many people walk up through Portswood coming from places in Bevois Valley, Bedford Place and the City Centre because they can't afford a cab at the end of the night, so I think this is a pretty good idea.


Have also noticed a larger police presence after 7pm in the Portswood area recently too, bobbies walking up and down the street and cars driving through about every 10 minutes or so.

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If i was the OB i'd a get a WPC out there in plain clothes to try and catch him.


I think the problem is that he seems to have operated over quite a wide area, with other attacks in Banister Park, Bedford Place and Bevois Valley. Difficult to know where to set it up with any hope of success.


I think that more needs to be done to persuade young women to take taxis or night buses home rather than walking. Particularly trying to stop them walking through the parks at night, where there have been loads of attacks.

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