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Goodnight sweet Chef

Master Bates

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It's only Bates and Boggy who've mentioned Mac.

tbh, i thought that the OP had got it wrong but , but then i started doubting myself when i saw the post saying that Bernie Mac had died..................and also i haven't watched South Park for years, and thought ,maybe B M had taken over the role.....................i will now go n beat myself severely, to make amends for my ignorance.......:(

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i had to conceal my identity, as i'm a respsected pillar of the community, and so would not want my colleagues to know that i partake in such extreme/bizarre behaviour..........






Saint Boggy,


This is my last pos for the night. I wasted the other two discussing the chopping off of ones pinky. I regret that now. I should have been talking to you. Why have you broken off our friendship? What happened? Did I upset you? I miss having you as a friend. If you don't make friends with me again I fear I will never return to this site. I would hate that. Also, can you pay for me to be a member and then I can PM you.





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Saint Boggy,


This is my last pos for the night. I wasted the other two discussing the chopping off of ones pinky. I regret that now. I should have been talking to you. Why have you broken off our friendship? What happened? Did I upset you? I miss having you as a friend. If you don't make friends with me again I fear I will never return to this site. I would hate that. Also, can you pay for me to be a member and then I can PM you.





dear WS,

please don't take my actions personally.

i came to the conclusion that being 'friends' with somebody i have never met, on an internet forum was ,frankly , a bit sad......:).

i apologise if i 'lead you on ' with all my flirting!!!...that was not my intention, i assure you...:cool:

as a gesture of goodwill i would love to pay for your subscription to this site, however , i need to buy some Anusol and Steredant with my remaining pension money this week.......so regrettably i will be unable to help you..............:(

anyway, i have to go n have my feet done now, (bloody corns!!)...... i look forward to seeing your 3 posts a day, make them count young man...........

again , i apologise for breaking your heart, but things happen for a reason and just remember the immortal words of that great poet Ronan 'Keats' Keating.............life is a rollercoaster, just gotta ride it........;)

take good care of yourself now.......

it was good while it lasted



SB x

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dear WS,

please don't take my actions personally.

i came to the conclusion that being 'friends' with somebody i have never met, on an internet forum was ,frankly , a bit sad......:).

i apologise if i 'lead you on ' with all my flirting!!!...that was not my intention, i assure you...:cool:

as a gesture of goodwill i would love to pay for your subscription to this site, however , i need to buy some Anusol and Steredant with my remaining pension money this week.......so regrettably i will be unable to help you..............:(

anyway, i have to go n have my feet done now, (bloody corns!!)...... i look forward to seeing your 3 posts a day, make them count young man...........

again , i apologise for breaking your heart, but things happen for a reason and just remember the immortal words of that great poet Ronan 'Keats' Keating.............life is a rollercoaster, just gotta ride it........;)

take good care of yourself now.......

it was good while it lasted



SB x


What a terribly sad tale.:(

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Is the 3 post thing a 24 hour rule or does it count from when you first post - be it at 13.00 or 09.00?


I'm confused. I get the impression the timer runs from post to post, rather than hour to hour. If you see what I mean.

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dear WS,

please don't take my actions personally.

i came to the conclusion that being 'friends' with somebody i have never met, on an internet forum was ,frankly , a bit sad......:).

i apologise if i 'lead you on ' with all my flirting!!!...that was not my intention, i assure you...:cool:

as a gesture of goodwill i would love to pay for your subscription to this site, however , i need to buy some Anusol and Steredant with my remaining pension money this week.......so regrettably i will be unable to help you..............:(

anyway, i have to go n have my feet done now, (bloody corns!!)...... i look forward to seeing your 3 posts a day, make them count young man...........

again , i apologise for breaking your heart, but things happen for a reason and just remember the immortal words of that great poet Ronan 'Keats' Keating.............life is a rollercoaster, just gotta ride it........;)

take good care of yourself now.......

it was good while it lasted



SB x



I'm not sure I shall ever recover from this. Is it me or is this one of those "it's me" things? If it helps, I also have corns. I probably have worse corns than you. We could massage each others corns? I have a very sharp knife set that I use for cutting my own corns away. I could do that for you. I'd like to touch your feet.

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