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The Great British Tradition


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I can see how she totally failed to recognise her compensation amount, it was similar to when she also failed to realise that a child was at risk after the family received 60, yes 60, visits from social workers, police and health professionals over eight months.


It is an absolutely sickening case, I'm not saying that she was totally responsible, but she was in a position of somebody who should have both known about the case and acted - and by all accounts failed on both counts.


Do I begrudge her the £680,000, yes I do. She shouldn't of even got the £33,00 that Lord Neuberger suggested was commensurate with her claim.


The only crumb of comfort that I take for this abhorrent case is that Safeguarding legislation was introduced on the back of baby P's death, in order to try to protect children from similar fates. It's a start but as the recent Daniel Pelka case shows - children are still open to awful neglect and suffering.


I struggle with any kind of 'award' to this particular lady, a 17 month old child dies and those people who were meant to be safeguarding him reap the rewards. Justice.

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