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Minus 75,000 + 7 Months Wages = Minus 8,000


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With what Jan paid to free his contract with Helmond ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2008/jun/26/southampton.championship) and assuming Weston is right about Jan being on 100k (Round that up to 2k a week) and an exchange rate of 1.1, Jan is down over 8,000 euros for 7 months work....and he resigned??????????????????????????? :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Jan has been forced to resign and given a pay off. Another chunk of money has walked out of SFC.

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My manager at work told be of Portvliets resignation last night. the first thing i said was "he's been pushed".


It wouldn't suprise me if either Lowe or Wilde or both of them gave him a few quid on the quiet (maybe out of their own pockets!) to dispatch of him quietly.


If club money was used we need to know!

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