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Transfer Deadline


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Perhaps, with the transfer deadline only two days away, our young players chose a good time to 'under perform'...


Let us hope that the results between now and end of January is not more evidence of trying to fool the big boys are young stars are not ready yet.

I think we should find a happy mediun and win a few games as well.

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Further to this thread I'd like to know people thoughts on our 'excess' players


Do people like Euell and Skacel now become part of the selection team ?


For me if we haven't offloaded these players surely they should be part of the team now ?


Im not for one second saying they should automatically start - they need to earn there spot - But where they being overlooked whilst the possibility of them being sold was still there ?

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Transfer deadline is midnight tonight.


This is true. The emergency loan window opens for League clubs in a week.


I can't see anyone wanting Dyer or Euell, so I have a feeling they'll still be here tomorrow. The only player I can see going anywhere is Skacel on loan.


We'll see. I'm on holiday today, and usually would be sat at the internet following all the transfer ins and outs, especially as there'll be a few biggies but have got one or two things to do!

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