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For those with good memories...

Barry the Badger

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I've tried googling this but no luck, wonder if anybody can help...


I had a random memory pop back to me yesterday, it's of being at a game at the Dell, I was with my Uncle so probably not that old. At a guess it was between 1990-1994.


Pretty sure it was the last game or last home game of the season and I think we might've been playing Man City.


I remember a bloke turning to my uncle and saying something like "it's all about to kick off, best get him out of here", and then remember us leaving pretty bloody quickly.


So, for those with good memories, can anybody remember this game? Did we play Man City in the last home game one season? Any memories of the match or if things did get a bit lively at the end?


Of course, my memory might have just made this up.

Edited by Barry the Badger
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Didn't Villa Fans kick-off at the last home game of the season around then?


I was at my sisters wedding, so wasn't there, but I'm sure I heard about it.


My memory isn't good either, so maybe I dreamed it. (The Villa game. I'm pretty sure my sister got married :))

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Didn't Villa Fans kick-off at the last home game of the season around then?


I was at my sisters wedding, so wasn't there, but I'm sure I heard about it.


My memory isn't good either, so maybe I dreamed it. (The Villa game. I'm pretty sure my sister got married :))


I was at the Villa game in 1994, last home game of season and we won 4-1. Was 10 at the time and stood in Upper Milton road with my dad.


I remember Villa fans invading the pitch from the Northam End (away fans sat there then) and snapping the cross bar. Don't remember any of our fans getting involved or any real trouble though

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I was at the Villa game in 1994, last home game of season and we won 4-1. Was 10 at the time and stood in Upper Milton road with my dad.


I remember Villa fans invading the pitch from the Northam End (away fans sat there then) and snapping the cross bar. Don't remember any of our fans getting involved or any real trouble though


Think you mean Archers Rd end.

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I was at the Villa game in 1994, last home game of season and we won 4-1. Was 10 at the time and stood in Upper Milton road with my dad.


I remember Villa fans invading the pitch from the Northam End (away fans sat there then) and snapping the cross bar. Don't remember any of our fans getting involved or any real trouble though


Um, I don't think we had a Northam end at The Dell. Perhaps you mean Archers Road.


I was at this game with my 8-year old lad and don't remember anything untoward.

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The only end of season game that fits vaguely in with your recollection of events and "City" as opponents that I recall is Birmingham City.However this predates the 90's and if anything was early 1980's.


You obviously know your age and if its at all likely you might have attended.As a foetus or embryo perhaps ?

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I was at the Villa game in 1994, last home game of season and we won 4-1. Was 10 at the time and stood in Upper Milton road with my dad.


I remember Villa fans invading the pitch from the Northam End (away fans sat there then) and snapping the cross bar. Don't remember any of our fans getting involved or any real trouble though


Think you mean Archers Rd end.


I was in the Milton Road end


IIRC, it was Batman & Robin who broke the crossbar


Pretty sure they were in fancy dress anyway.

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Um, I don't think we had a Northam end at The Dell. Perhaps you mean Archers Road.


I was at this game with my 8-year old lad and don't remember anything untoward.


I remember that match and yes there was a fair bit of trouble.


The c^nt who started pulling down the crossbar was dressed as 'Robin' and hordes of others in fancy dress.You would have thought it would have been easy to have identified the f^cker and nabbed him on his way out of the ground but Plod chose not to.

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Just found this site http://www.footymad.net/head-to-head-statistics/?teama=479&teamb=31


So looks like we had Villa last home game in 94 and Man City in 93.. But some of the memories of Villa invading the pitch do ring a bell so this could well be the game I was thinking of and just getting muddled with City the previous season.

Was this the game where City were relegated but their players thought that other results were going for them and were time wasting by continuosly taking the ball into the corners??

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Was this the game where City were relegated but their players thought that other results were going for them and were time wasting by continuosly taking the ball into the corners??


No, that was 95/96 season if memory serves. Saints were playing Wimbledon - 0-0.

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Was this the game where City were relegated but their players thought that other results were going for them and were time wasting by continuosly taking the ball into the corners??


Not sure. According to that site we lost 1-0 to City on 1st May 93. I assume that was last home game of the season.

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i rememeber the Villa game well, as it was a blazing hot day we won 4-1 and it was last home game of season. I was in the Lower West Stand and we were 2-0 before Simon Charlton (?) diverted the ball past Beasant for an own goal... For some reason these two women around us, kept screaming at Dave Beasant and saying he should have saved it and how he was crap and he woudlnt be at the club next season!


Villa put us under pressure for a bit and looked likely of getting an equaliser before Matt Le Tiss scored and then we scored another late on through Maddison or Magilton i think..

Some villa fans spilled onto pitch in fancy dress at end and as i was only a young nipper at the time, was abit scared, as they started climbing on the goal then the crossbar snapping

Remember coming home and calling them Aston Vandals!

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