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Medical Trials


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I suppose it is quick and easy dosh, but it is not something I would do myself. You just don't know what you are putting in your body and whether that could cause long term harm. I know they have always done loads of testing before getting to this stage, but as shown in that story you mentioned a few years ago, there's always the chance it could go wrong. It's sort of like going and getting some drugs, you just don't know what you are actually taking half the time. Someone has to do it though.

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A friend of mine works in medical research, and was working for Parexel when they did that trial that ended up with those poor guinea pigs heads blowing up. Was he ever relieved hed been on holiday when that one came up. He reckons that is such an unlikely scenario that its not worth worrying over, more likely to get run over by a bus while running to collect on your winning lottery ticket etc, but that said I wouldnt do it myself.

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Exactly, the odds of something disastrous like that happening are so minute that it's not even worth worrying about. It's quick, easy money, and you're helping the advance of medical science too, which benefits all of us!

I'll probably end up doing a couple of medical trials sometime in the future, but for now i'm quite happy being skint!

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Exactly, the odds of something disastrous like that happening are so minute that it's not even worth worrying about. It's quick, easy money, and you're helping the advance of medical science too, which benefits all of us!

I'll probably end up doing a couple of medical trials sometime in the future, but for now i'm quite happy being skint!


That's sort of what I'm thinking at the moment. Will obviously have to check side effects first. Still a bit undecided but it's such quick easy money and I'm skint. Plus I could be saving someone's life.

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I 'thought' on average it's about £200, but i've not done too much research into it tbf. There's always the chance you could get the placebo as well, which means there's no risk whatsoever of any side effects (unless you're allergic to Tic-Tacs).

Edited by SuperMikey
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I think on average it's about £200, but i've not done too much research into it tbf. There's always the chance you could get the placebo as well, which means there's no risk whatsoever of any side effects (unless you're allergic to Tic-Tacs).


A lot more than that, mate of mine did one for about £3000 last year.

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A lot more than that' date=' mate of mine did one for about £3000 last year.[/quote']


Depends on what it is you are doing. When I did mine. I was just taking hay fever tablets and got £200. The guys in the next room who were having heavy smokers having small bits of their lungs taken out were paid thousands.

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F*cking hell, really!? Only really looked at university medical trials, they pay about £200. I guess you're thinking of doing the corporate ones. May well have to sign up for those myself, and where's the nearest sperm bank too? ;)


Haha, donating sperm is one of the things I'd never do, just cos I wouldn't want to have kids without knowing about it!


Just looked, the one I've been offered is £1125 for 3 nights stay and 2 check up appointments. But, it is a first in human thing, which is what is worrying me.

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Haha, donating sperm is one of the things I'd never do, just cos I wouldn't want to have kids without knowing about it!


Just looked, the one I've been offered is £1125 for 3 nights stay and 2 check up appointments. But, it is a first in human thing, which is what is worrying me.


Do they make you sign some sort of disclaimer? I mean if it went wrong you could probably sue for millions.

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Do they make you sign some sort of disclaimer? I mean if it went wrong you could probably sue for millions.


Was thinking the same thing, I'm not sure but I'll find out. I'm going to go for the initial screening anyway I think cos it's a free complete health check so may as well take the opportunity to check nothing else is wrong.

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The lad that suffered his head swelling up is still in abd way.

He works for the same company as me although in a different area i do see him from tie to time.

His eyes look in completly different directions and he only communicates to one fellow work colleague.

I feel a bit sorry for the guy but he is truly ****ed for the rest of his life.

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