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"Like" button for posts


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Just wondering whether a "like" button would be a good idea (like on HotUKDeals) might cut down on the amount of posts that say the same thing in reaction threads etc?


Would Alpine Saint be happy to pay £5 for a facility he'd never use though?


(sorry alps, couldn't resist...) :-)

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Steve, I think Mattio means something more like this in the OP (at the bottom of the post):



That link wouldn't work for me for some reason, but I meant something similar to this (see the post by rawson 2 down) http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/skoda-fabia-vrs-now-vat-free-saving/843503

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We can implement Facebook integration immediately, which would put "Like" buttons on every forum and thread, but my main concern is the effect this will have on site performance.


Steve, it wouldnt have any. It would just generate the extra code as html/jscript and the action of "like" would be called from the clients browser :)

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