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About swannymere

  • Birthday 12/10/1973

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  1. The worst player in my time was Calum Davenport - Mr fifty pence head.
  2. Easy to forget they've earned important points for us this season.
  3. Utterly predictable. The life of a Saints fan summed up in one game.
  4. Its the hope that kills you.
  5. Yes, when someone iusually says or writes MSM it usually coming from a distrust of it or they're conspiracists.
  6. swannymere


    Anyone else find it odd that people who normally would be anti Semitic are quite happy to side with the Israeli government against the Palestinians?
  7. Its our new crew, they wear George at ASDA hoodies and Reebok Classics and word on the street is they swear and give people the middle finger behind their backs. Hard.
  8. As soon as anyone mentions MSM i know its too late for them.
  9. If someone believes one or two conspiracy theories that fair enough, if they believe and promote most of them they're on the grift or attention seeking.
  10. Wolfboy is great, certainly better tactical insight then DM.
  11. I had an extra pint when Van Nistlehorse scored at St.Mary's to put us down. Cnut.
  12. I know you know this but that's the whole point.
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