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Labour Candidate Suspended


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News is scetchy at the minute but I gather it's the candidate for South Cambridgeshire and involves sexually explicit material...


Anyone got any news on this?


Aren't you a little too obsessed with anything which is not right wing? So much so that I believe you are getting very worried about the right wing chances in this election?


Oh! it's SKETCHY by the way ;)

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1115: The Labour party has suspended its candidate for South East Cambridgeshire following newspaper allegations about his conduct. A party spokesman said the actions of John Cowan were "totally unacceptable and well below what the party expects of its candidates" . A decision will now be made whether to expel him from the party. The Sunday Telegraph claimed that Mr Cowan had made a number of offensive comments on online forums. Mr Cowan's suspension comes too late for him to replaced on the ballot paper.


From the BBC Election news:




on a par with this?



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Aren't you a little too obsessed with anything which is not right wing? So much so that I believe you are getting very worried about the right wing chances in this election?


Oh! it's SKETCHY by the way ;)


To be honest (i hate this phrase and it normally preceeds a lie ;)) i was more concerned a week ago, but the Tory vote has recovered a bit whilst the Labour vote hasn't. I firmly believe the Tories will have the most MP's, and it's all to play for as to whether they reach the magic number 326. Taking the fight to the Lab-Con marginals needing a 8-10% swing could prove to be the difference because it's going to be tough to win seats from the Liberals, although i'm sure Eastleigh will be blue come May 7th.:)

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1115: The Labour party has suspended its candidate for South East Cambridgeshire following newspaper allegations about his conduct. A party spokesman said the actions of John Cowan were "totally unacceptable and well below what the party expects of its candidates" . A decision will now be made whether to expel him from the party. The Sunday Telegraph claimed that Mr Cowan had made a number of offensive comments on online forums. Mr Cowan's suspension comes too late for him to replaced on the ballot paper.


From the BBC Election news:




on a par with this?





or on a par with a government minister using his mobile phone whilst driving, thus endangering the lives of other road users???



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An investigation by The Sunday Telegraph has revealed messages left by Mr Cowan on online forums since 2005 in which he:


* Admitted illegally paying his cleaner cash-in-hand;


* Speculated on the death of Lady Thatcher;


* Boasted of his sexual exploits in graphic detail;


* Advertised for people to pose nude for his photographic portfolio; and


* Said he would not want his children to marry a Muslim.



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Describing his sex life, Mr Cowan 35 wrote "Why limit it to just one woman? I would prefer one for each day of the week!" and "Whats (sic) is it with Working class English Women for a start most of them are not very attractive and all they seem to be interested (sic) in is ripping of nice gents like myself whilst getting ****** and ******* factory workers."

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An investigation by The Sunday Telegraph has revealed messages left by Mr Cowan on online forums since 2005 in which he:


* Admitted illegally paying his cleaner cash-in-hand;


* Speculated on the death of Lady Thatcher;


* Boasted of his sexual exploits in graphic detail;


* Advertised for people to pose nude for his photographic portfolio; and


* Said he would not want his children to marry a Muslim.




To be honest Dune - from that list I would have thought you'd be voting for him.

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Aren't you a little too obsessed with anything which is not right wing? So much so that I believe you are getting very worried about the right wing chances in this election?


Oh! it's SKETCHY by the way ;)


don,t think hes right wing more of the looney right of thatchrism who made the consertives unelectable and their still struggling to recover from their pathetic poll rating of 34 to 35% .:D

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An investigation by The Sunday Telegraph has revealed messages left by Mr Cowan on online forums since 2005 in which he:


* Admitted illegally paying his cleaner cash-in-hand;


* Speculated on the death of Lady Thatcher;


* Boasted of his sexual exploits in graphic detail;


* Advertised for people to pose nude for his photographic portfolio; and


* Said he would not want his children to marry a Muslim.




He should really have stepped across the house. ;)

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