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What else can possibly go wrong?!?


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Im getting married in 6 weeks (that's not what's gone wrong!) but in the past 5 weeks:


* A close friend has died of cancer

* my sister has fallen down the stairs and broken her leg

* My auntie has been rushed into hospital with appendicitis

* my fiancees auntie has broken her hip

* my fiancees cousin has been taken into a hospice because she's been diagnosed with terminal cancer

* today My fiancees uncle was kicked by a horse and has shattered his elbow and has had to have reconstructive surgery


What the hell have we done to deserve this?


My fiancee is feeling like sh*te and when she looks back at the build up to our wedding will feel like cr*p.



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Im getting married in 6 weeks (that's not what's gone wrong!) but in the past 5 weeks:


* A close friend has died of cancer

* my sister has fallen down the stairs and broken her leg

* My auntie has been rushed into hospital with appendicitis

* my fiancees auntie has broken her hip

* my fiancees cousin has been taken into a hospice because she's been diagnosed with terminal cancer

* today My fiancees uncle was kicked by a horse and has shattered his elbow and has had to have reconstructive surgery


What the hell have we done to deserve this?


My fiancee is feeling like sh*te and when she looks back at the build up to our wedding will feel like cr*p.




Hang in there mate.


When she looks back she may indeed have some sad thoughts but she will also be mighty thankful you were there to support her. Imagine if all this had happened and she didn't have you there.

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