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Bearsy investigates - redux


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In the course of my online perambulation I came across this total gem of literary brilliance, Bear (1976) by Marian Engel. It appears to be an erotic novel about a librarian who has sexual relations with a bear and it won the very prestigious (apparently) Governor General's award for outstanding literary achievement. I rather enjoyed Bear's last foray into the world of erotic literature, it would be a crime if this book was not subjected to similar treatment.




Care to take a "whack" Bearsy :D

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The story becomes erotic bestiality but told in beautiful snippets of prose as, "The weather was like silk on her skin." Yet truth be told Lou enjoyed cunnilingus with the bear, whom she simply calls BEAR. On p119 Lou says, "They lived sweetly and intensely together. She knew that her flesh, her hair, her teeth and her fingernails smelled of bear, and this smell was sweet to her."

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The story becomes erotic bestiality but told in beautiful snippets of prose as, "The weather was like silk on her skin." Yet truth be told Lou enjoyed cunnilingus with the bear, whom she simply calls BEAR. On p119 Lou says, "They lived sweetly and intensely together. She knew that her flesh, her hair, her teeth and her fingernails smelled of bear, and this smell was sweet to her."


Lou ran a finger through the glistening folds of her fanny lips, and held the digit close to her nostrils. She inhaled deeply; the stench of her vaginal juice was terrifically ripe and unmistakeably fish. It struck her immediately that this was exactly the scent that would appeal to THE BEAR.


His tongue was like silk on her skin. It was like weather - weather was also like silk on her skin. Except hail storms. Hail storms were like small pellets of ice on her skin. She shivered with pleasure and her skin felt like silk on her skin.


"Oh BEAR," she said, groaning with pleasure and release. "Eat me! Eat me like a month old haddock!" THE BEAR did not reply but she could tell from the lap of his tongue that he was loving it. His tongue flicked out of her vagina and traced a course up her naval, across her breasts, her neck, her face. He climbed onto her and aligned his genitals with her fanny. He gave a growl of desire and thrust into her vagina with the full weight of his being, and crushed her to death. His full 400 lbs of flesh, fur and rapier sharp claws, were like silk on her skin.


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Bears are more likely to be eating freshwater fish, salmon in particular.

Haddock are a marine species usually found at depths of over 40 metres.

If her growler whiffed of haddock I think THE BEAR would be more likely to say "What the f**k is that?"

If it was a talking bear.

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I feel like we're getting bogged down in side issues, goatboy. The point under discussion is how faraway's mum got licked out by a polar bear, not the technicalities of what flavour fish her vagina smells of or where polar bears purchase their scuba equipment.


Pls keep on topic!

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I feel like we're getting bogged down in side issues, goatboy. The point under discussion is how faraway's mum got licked out by a polar bear, not the technicalities of what flavour fish her vagina smells of or where polar bears purchase their scuba equipment.


Pls keep on topic!


Are you my pop pop? Can I have one of them new playstations please and several years of back child support?

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