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Lowe is NOT picking the team.

Legod Second Coming

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RL has a computer programe that lists all of SLH assets.


One part of the programe has the squads wage bill and player values.


Its simple to use,everytime Barclays ring up Rupert has to open the programe and finds the players names are all in red,he then has to click players names who he has had an offer on or who are about to be out of contract,as soon as the squad turns green he can stop clicking until the next phone call from Barclays.

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It was always going to be this way. We would take an offer for any player to reduce the debt.


Trouble is cant see a point when we wont have to take any offer.


Therefore just a slow lingering death hoping someone is going to come in and rescure us.


RL shouldnt bull**** the fans. "Total football revolutuion = Total asset stripping"


It s not such a catchy phrase but a lot nearer the truth.


You will hang yet Rupert

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Whoever is picking the team, they haven't done a bad job so far. They are already officially too good for the Scotland job.


And JP is picking the team.


No, JP is picking from what he's been told he has available to him.

The "available list" is determined by our DoF Ru**rt, and he will always use "the bank" as an excuse.

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For the umteenth time, the Bank would not be picking the Team as otherwise they become" interested Directors" under the terms of the Companies Act and thus liable to the Administrator/ Liquidator in the event of such an arrangement. No bank with the reputation of Barclays would undertake such action.

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