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  1. Turkish


    Staggering arrogance. My post wasn’t even aimed at you. However good to see you’ve forgotten I’m on ignore again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. It’s on my list to do, looks spectacular
  3. It was spectacular. They were visible a few months ago but you could only really just make them out with a camera even then not great no where near like last night.
  4. Turkish


    Congratulations on your progression from not caring about racism to saying how bad it is on an anonymous football forum, marginal gains and all that 👏👏👏👏👏
  5. Turkish


    To be blunt im not. It’s pretty obvious that some on here jump on any bandwagon that’s rolling if it’s makes them feel like good people. No actual conviction in what they’re saying they just want to appear like nice people because it’s what they think they should do. Aintforever has clearly always been on of those people
  6. Visible in the UK tonight, here’s our pictures from North Yorkshire. Pretty amazing iPhone pictures don’t do it justice
  7. Turkish


    Wow, You didn’t give a shit about racism until You started posting on internet message boards? So I was right about you. It is all virtual signaling, quite an admission there
  8. Not what I heard, I was told he wanted to go back to Spain but would have stayed if the club refused to sell, as that’s the sort of guy he is. However we did right by him and let him go with our blessing and brought in Lavia. I loved Romeu one of my favourite players of recent times. Much better team with him In it.
  9. remember when Salford City, then in the conference, were able to pay more for a player than Aberdeen in the scottish premier league. Insane, i know they were a bit of an one off due to their backing but like you say, £3k a week at conference level isnt big money these days. Heard there are some youth players at Chelsea on £30k a week, mental money.
  10. If we dont go up they'll be playing a lot more next year you'd think.
  11. Turkish


    what's weird is why you persist with this self righteous claptrap on here when everyone knows that when you had the chance practice what you preach you quickly sold out when it meant doing the right thing might be a bit uncomfortable for you for a short period. Laughable. Very definition of a keyboard warrior.
  12. Turkish


    Aintforvers self righteousness is particularly laughable given when he had the chance to actually do something about racism away from a football forum he shat himself and put his career first. bit like how Sog claimed he can’t be racist as he’s got a Muslim barber and a mixed race bar maid. Kind of sums it up really.
  13. Turkish


    This is kind of it really. The faux outrage from the same old people becomes tiresome. Constantly being upset about things you can do nothing about and have zero impact on is utterly futile. Perhaps why some people are so frigging miserable all the time. I've been accused of having an im alright Jack attitude by some but really that's all you can do, make sure you're bit of the world is okay and not let external factors you have zero control over worry you. We'd all love everyone to be friends and live in peace, it always be twenty five degrees and sunny, everyone to live in relative wealth and comfort but the world has never been like it and never will no matter how much you show how much you care about it all on a football forum. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
  14. Turkish


    gone full on Cyndi Lauper pal
  15. that's the thing isn't it. £10k a week on a 4 year deal makes you a millionaire before you're 20. Realistically you're going to take it, even if you get a career ending injury you're still a millionaire. You'll still get a decent second contract at another club if you dont make it at Chelsea like many others do.
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