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Central Three Experience


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Really like the Davis-Perry-Svensson tri-fector at the back for cool-headedness, leadership etc. Love the fact that Kelvin first looks to pass/roll it rather than the Neanderthal up-field punt.


We should, however, find room for the Cork lad. Right back would be ideal, James does ok but hasn't yet mastered the fact that the team has a passing and football strategy. All too often he looks up and just pings it. That ain't what the team is trying to do right now.


Cork looked far more composed and patience dispite his youth. If Lloyd watches from the side instead of starting every game, with all his ability he will see and learn what needs to be done to maintain his starting role in the future.


Up front we should be a shade more creative and a whole lot more clinical!!

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Really like the Davis-Perry-Svensson tri-fector at the back for cool-headedness, leadership etc. Love the fact that Kelvin first looks to pass/roll it rather than the Neanderthal up-field punt.


We should, however, find room for the Cork lad. Right back would be ideal, James does ok but hasn't yet mastered the fact that the team has a passing and football strategy. All too often he looks up and just pings it. That ain't what the team is trying to do right now.


Cork looked far more composed and patience dispite his youth. If Lloyd watches from the side instead of starting every game, with all his ability he will see and learn what needs to be done to maintain his starting role in the future.


Up front we should be a shade more creative and a whole lot more clinical!!


OOOOO, contraire mon ami. Some of his raking balls have found Holmes in acres and he has created goal scoring chances from them. Not every pass is short to be a good un.

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OOOOO, contraire mon ami. Some of his raking balls have found Holmes in acres and he has created goal scoring chances from them. Not every pass is short to be a good un.


You make a good point, I am only judging from the four times I have seen him play. In my own humble thoughts the return is way to small for the investment. Especially in the first Brum game and again Saturday. Throwing a big hoof down into CCC centre-backs is not the correct approach. He does it as though he feels he wants to make a significant contribution (which is admirable) however the outcome has a larger than non value-added result. We find ourselves on the backfoot and JP looks frustrated (though trying to hide it).


Pass Lloyd, you are a fine player and grow with the team - not too fast!!

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You make a good point, I am only judging from the four times I have seen him play. In my own humble thoughts the return is way to small for the investment. Especially in the first Brum game and again Saturday. Throwing a big hoof down into CCC centre-backs is not the correct approach. He does it as though he feels he wants to make a significant contribution (which is admirable) however the outcome has a larger than non value-added result. We find ourselves on the backfoot and JP looks frustrated (though trying to hide it).


Pass Lloyd, you are a fine player and grow with the team - not too fast!!


I agree Tim that I think he's going for Hollywood a bit too often! Age!!!!


Your first observation about KD looking to pass first I think is also spot on. Hoofing, no!


I was a bit cheesed off towards the end on Saturday when Kelvin reverted to hoofing. We couldn't win anything in the air, even though both SJ and DMG did a pretty valiant job of holiding it up.

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I also think we need to find room in the starting 11 for Cork. I also like the experience of our back 3, but Killer and Perry both got caught for pace a number of times on Saturday. However, Killer is valuable for his experience and leadership whilst Perry has made numerous goal saving last minute tackles already this season. So I am not sure which, if either of them, should be dropped.


So maybe you are right and he could be given a start at RB against QPR with Lloyd dropping to the bench?

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I also think we need to find room in the starting 11 for Cork. I also like the experience of our back 3, but Killer and Perry both got caught for pace a number of times on Saturday. However, Killer is valuable for his experience and leadership whilst Perry has made numerous goal saving last minute tackles already this season. So I am not sure which, if either of them, should be dropped.


So maybe you are right and he could be given a start at RB against QPR with Lloyd dropping to the bench?



Is he a RB or CB? or Either?

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Cork has now played RB part game and centre back full game. Believed to be a better holding mid field. James has played at RB as a long life member of the mid field club and I believe a better prospect as a mid-field in the Spiderman/Gillet position. So if nothing else we have options/combinations when injuries come etc. As for MS and CP play the next game and hope Killer was a one off and we get back on track. My own view is Cork should be in the side wherever RB or holding middle mid-field.

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Is he a RB or CB? or Either?


He played at RB when captaining England U19's over here a few months back. I think he also played primarily RB when on loan last season (was also used as a DM last season, which is where he also played the last 30 mins for England when I saw them) but he also seemed to do a very good job at CB against Brum in the cup game.


Soooo, I would say he is a RB, CB, DM kind of guy (and pretty darned useful in all of those positions).

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He played at RB when captaining England U19's over here a few months back. I think he also played primarily RB when on loan last season (was also used as a DM last season, which is where he also played the last 30 mins for England when I saw them) but he also seemed to do a very good job at CB against Brum in the cup game.


Soooo, I would say he is a RB, CB, DM kind of guy (and pretty darned useful in all of those positions).


Then again he might be tha answer further forward. A paul Madeley type.

Think his father Alan played further forward in his day.

It all points to Cork being some player, so heres hoping we hold onto him.

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Experience is good, and they're all good players in their own right, but I thought we totally lacked pace in the centre of defence against Blackpool. Perry was reading the game well, Svensson was challenging well for the high balls, but there just seemed a distinct lack of pace. IMO of course.

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Experience is good, and they're all good players in their own right, but I thought we totally lacked pace in the centre of defence against Blackpool. Perry was reading the game well, Svensson was challenging well for the high balls, but there just seemed a distinct lack of pace. IMO of course.


Bit like Pace and Hale, can't have one without the other or can you play Cork

as a three and slightly shuffle the system. There are some good coaches on this forum and if we can convince them they could have a word with JP.

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Svensson was challenging well for the high balls, but there just seemed a distinct lack of pace. IMO of course.


Challenging well..?

he lost every header conceivable to imagination. and nor did he make one single successful challenge on the ground..if he doesnt up his game for the coming match,I`d say we should

play Cork in his place for a couple of months..let Killer play himself in form for the reserves during that time !

or even better: he could prove me wrong and be MOTM next wekend :D

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The game versus Blackpool is the only game I've seen ( radio the others) but for all their experince the defence lwas ooking shaky everytime Blackpool attacked.


It may be down to an off day - I was particularly looking forward to Gillet play - and looks like he had an off day ( Sigh)


Davis is looking confident and was bellowing out most the game, Perry read the game well - but there just didnt seem to be solid defence all up.


I would have liked to have the other option of the Walsall lad... Gerrard - but oh well.

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Looking at the "strengths" of the squad as it now stands, I wonder if it may not be an idea to tweak the formation slightly to better fit the players we have.


Cork as a Sweeper rather than as DM in front of the back two - he has the quality by the sounds of it. That allows Surman and James to become more wing backs which taps in better to their skills as midfielders.


I ain't no expert, but long ago, Lawrie built his system around the players we had (Agboola as sweeper) and we did alright.

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Experience is good, and they're all good players in their own right, but I thought we totally lacked pace in the centre of defence against Blackpool. Perry was reading the game well, Svensson was challenging well for the high balls, but there just seemed a distinct lack of pace. IMO of course.


Yes I agree I thought Svennson was slow and had a poor game against Blackpool he did not win much in the air .

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Svensson is one of my favourite Saints defenders over the last 40 years and I admire greatly his efforts to overcome injury. However, I must say that his performance on Saturday was (Callum Davenport excepted) one of the worst two centre-back performances I can ever remember in a Saints shirt. (The other was Alan Bennett v Palace at the start of last season.) I don't think it had any redeeming features whatsoever.


Based on reports and goal highlights on Virgin/ITV, it looks like he has been at least partially responsible for 2 goals conceded in other matches this season.


In short, though it pains me to say it, the first real test of JP's management may be whether he's got the balls to drop his captain. I haven't seen Cork yet, but I'm sure Thomas would be a better bet than Killer these days.

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Now JP has a better idea of which players are here to xmas he can use the int break to reaccess his boys


James has done a job at rb poss needs someone with experience to play in front of him we look good down left as although both only really kids Drew & Holmes have played for few years now


2 cb + cork as sweeper playing the ball with a bit of freedom to roam around def postions?


cb sw cb

rwb lwb

cm cm

ram lam


gk) Kelvin

cb) Killer

sw) Cork

cb) Perry

rwb) James?

lwb) Surman

cm) Spiderman

cm) Gillet

ram) Lallana

lam) Holmes

cf) DMG / SJ / Perkhart

Edited by paulwantsapint
just remembred Perkhart
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Now JP has a better idea of which players are here to xmas he can use the int break to reaccess his boys


James has done a job at rb poss needs someone with experience to play in front of him we look good down left as although both only really kids Drew & Holmes have played for few years now


2 cb + cork as sweeper playing the ball with a bit of freedom to roam around def postions?


cb sw cb

rwb lwb

cm cm

ram lam


gk) Kelvin

cb) Killer

sw) Cork

cb) Perry

rwb) James?

lwb) Surman

cm) Spiderman

cm) Gillet

ram) Lallana

lam) Holmes

cf) DMG / SJ / Perkhart

Edited by paulwantsapint
just remembred Perkhart
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Svensson is one of my favourite Saints defenders over the last 40 years and I admire greatly his efforts to overcome injury. However, I must say that his performance on Saturday was (Callum Davenport excepted) one of the worst two centre-back performances I can ever remember in a Saints shirt. (The other was Alan Bennett v Palace at the start of last season.) I don't think it had any redeeming features whatsoever.


Based on reports and goal highlights on Virgin/ITV, it looks like he has been at least partially responsible for 2 goals conceded in other matches this season.


In short, though it pains me to say it, the first real test of JP's management may be whether he's got the balls to drop his captain. I haven't seen Cork yet, but I'm sure Thomas would be a better bet than Killer these days.


I have to agree with this. Whilst I admire killer. He needs to play better than he did against Blackpool to retain his place. He has been out for four years so hopefully he is still just shaking the rust off. We cannot allow our admiration go ahead of our needs. If that had been Wayne Thomas he would have been slaughtered on here.

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