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Terror In The Skies


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Oh, I get it now. I didn't realise it was the title of a programme. I thought you were going all John Nada on us!


I'd like to go John Nada (****ing mental) on Bush for nearly ******* up the biggest counter terrorism operation we have ever launched.


Seriously though Ponty, if you get the chance to watch it, then make sure you do

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Sleep tight people, we have some ******* smart folk watching our back.


And all of those people who are against cctv, id cards and the like - they may well have saved your lives at some point.


Oh and Bush you had to fook it up, didn't you

**** yeah, lets just stick an RFID chip in everyone!

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Sleep tight people, we have some ******* smart folk watching our back.


And all of those people who are against cctv, id cards and the like - they may well have saved your lives at some point.


Oh and Bush you had to fook it up, didn't you


There is no way ID cards will prevent terrorism, as most of the previous terror attacks and attempts were made by British muslims, who would hold a valid UK ID card anyway. Plus as they usually tend to blow themselves up, all an ID card will do is help identify whats left of the bodies. There is no proof that CCTV helps prevent crime although it can help solve it after its taken place. This country is only a couple of steps away from having army checkpoints with soldiers and secret police officers asking to inspect your "papers"! Ring any bells?

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There is no way ID cards will prevent terrorism, as most of the previous terror attacks and attempts were made by British muslims, who would hold a valid UK ID card anyway. Plus as they usually tend to blow themselves up, all an ID card will do is help identify whats left of the bodies. There is no proof that CCTV helps prevent crime although it can help solve it after its taken place. This country is only a couple of steps away from having army checkpoints with soldiers and secret police officers asking to inspect your "papers"! Ring any bells?


total ********

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There is no way ID cards will prevent terrorism, as most of the previous terror attacks and attempts were made by British muslims, who would hold a valid UK ID card anyway. Plus as they usually tend to blow themselves up, all an ID card will do is help identify whats left of the bodies. There is no proof that CCTV helps prevent crime although it can help solve it after its taken place. This country is only a couple of steps away from having army checkpoints with soldiers and secret police officers asking to inspect your "papers"! Ring any bells?


CCTV DOES prevent crime - it's having hidden CCTV that is pointless and wrong. When people see a camera, they think twice about committing the crime.

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There is no way ID cards will prevent terrorism, as most of the previous terror attacks and attempts were made by British muslims, who would hold a valid UK ID card anyway. Plus as they usually tend to blow themselves up, all an ID card will do is help identify whats left of the bodies. There is no proof that CCTV helps prevent crime although it can help solve it after its taken place. This country is only a couple of steps away from having army checkpoints with soldiers and secret police officers asking to inspect your "papers"! Ring any bells?


Exactly - they've had ID cards in Spain for years, didn't stop the horrendous train bombings a few years back, did they?


CCTV DOES prevent crime - it's having hidden CCTV that is pointless and wrong. When people see a camera, they think twice about committing the crime.


Not if they're about to blow themselves up with a rucksack bomb, it just means we'll have a better idea who did it afterwards

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total ********

How so? America has already decended into a police state where general public can be arrested and slung in jail indefinatley without trial, how far do you think we are from (forever) following their examples. I suggest you take your rose(media)-tinted glasses off and see how the world has really changed.

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CCTV DOES prevent crime - it's having hidden CCTV that is pointless and wrong. When people see a camera, they think twice about committing the crime.



We have a fair few CCTV camera's that are visible to the public in the shop I work at and still get people stealing... usually people from Weston nicking ham and washing powder :roll:

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Sleep tight people, we have some ******* smart folk watching our back.


And all of those people who are against cctv, id cards and the like - they may well have saved your lives at some point.


Oh and Bush you had to fook it up, didn't you


You really could try a little harder, yes..?


It's not too much to ask for you to refer to the subject you are on about, as a TV programme, is it..? This is the Lounge, after all. It stops us all twisting in the wind, wondering if we are the idiots, or it's you.


But thanks for the post anyway. I may indeed watch the programme.

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total ********


Come on then tell us all how ID cards and cctv are going to prevent terror attacks? I'm sure we'd all like to know! America have ID cards didn't stop the twin towers being attacked did it? Also if they are that effective why didn't we have them when the IRA were running amok for 30 odd years?

Do you want to live in a society that keeps tracks on all its citizens all of the time? The government want us to stop smoking, drinking and eating the wrong foods, why? Why are they so interested in what we do in our lives? You can sleepwalk into a totalitarian(sp) society if you want, but don't worry all this security is for our safety though isn't it?

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CCTV DOES prevent crime - it's having hidden CCTV that is pointless and wrong. When people see a camera, they think twice about committing the crime.


Try it the other way around! Your more likely to catch criminals in the act if the camera is hidden(bait cars for example). Some people may well think twice if they see a camera but most will do something to cover their faces, some sort of hooded top perhaps?

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Come on then tell us all how ID cards and cctv are going to prevent terror attacks? I'm sure we'd all like to know! America have ID cards didn't stop the twin towers being attacked did it? Also if they are that effective why didn't we have them when the IRA were running amok for 30 odd years?

Do you want to live in a society that keeps tracks on all its citizens all of the time? The government want us to stop smoking, drinking and eating the wrong foods, why? Why are they so interested in what we do in our lives? You can sleepwalk into a totalitarian(sp) society if you want, but don't worry all this security is for our safety though isn't it?



I'm only surprised he's forgotten to include the standard "If you've done nothing wrong then you've no reason to be worried about ID cards". IMO if you're doing nothing wrong then the Government has no right to keep tabs on you.

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Try it the other way around! Your more likely to catch criminals in the act if the camera is hidden(bait cars for example). Some people may well think twice if they see a camera but most will do something to cover their faces, some sort of hooded top perhaps?


I doubt it, it doesnt matter if its on show or covered, the majority of criminals are not going to rob something with there faces showing.

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I'm only surprised he's forgotten to include the standard "If you've done nothing wrong then you've no reason to be worried about ID cards". IMO if you're doing nothing wrong then the Government has no right to keep tabs on you.


I was waiting for him to reply saying that! Your right though, there will always be a criminal element in society but punishing everyone because of what the minority do, isn't on. If we are going to go down that road, what was the point of defeating the Nazi's?

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We will all end up with microchips in us, and these will be used to buy things, there is nothing we can do to stop it, i bet your kids couldnt careless about CCTV etc as they grew up with it, imangine there kids, and there kids.


Indeed, cashless society and a "handy" chip in everyone. Do something against the "system" and they just switch off your chip, good luck getting money, housing, food, travel.

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