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Stop the digital economy act!

Jeff Le Taxi

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Why should you be worried?


Websites will be blocked for alleged copyright infringement.

Families accused of sharing copyrighted files will be disconnected without trial. They will have to pay to appeal.

Even if you don't live in the UK, it sets a worrying precedent for other countries to follow suit.

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I believe the Lib Dems are proposing to scrap it, another reason to vote Liberal in my eyes.


Yes, then we can surrender our identity to Europe and live happily ever after in a bureaucratic freedom-restricting nightmare ;)


Anyway, back on topic. You can see how your MP voted regarding the Digital Economy Bill on this site: http://www.votethemout.co.uk/

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What is our identity? No-one has managed to satisfactorily state this. It's just used as a sort of rallying term for idiots. For most people with an IQ above 3, our identity involves, and has a lot to do with, different cultures contributing, rather than taking from us. We are a classic melting pot, we have been invaded many times - sometimes even conquered - and it could be argued that it is this that has made us who we are.


I for one have not noticed France, Germany or Spain merge into some sort of grey cultural ooze. It's just bull**** scaremongering propaganda. This could be seen as inflammatory, but I say it is true - it is people like you who would very easily have become a card carrying - no, enthusiastic, contrubuting - nazi, and genuinely believed the transparent conspiracy theories about Jewish plans and untermensch status.

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Will this act actually stop me and the likes from downloading (say) Beatles albums thus negating the need for me to line the pockets of Sir Paul Macca for something he did nigh on 50 years ago? imho copyright in music and arts in general should last no more than 5 years Max (maybe 10 a sa compromise)


Or have I gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick?

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Will this act actually stop me and the likes from downloading (say) Beatles albums thus negating the need for me to line the pockets of Sir Paul Macca for something he did nigh on 50 years ago? imho copyright in music and arts in general should last no more than 5 years Max (maybe 10 a sa compromise)


Or have I gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick?


I think I might take your narrow boat. Im sure you've had it more than five years.

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What is our identity? No-one has managed to satisfactorily state this. It's just used as a sort of rallying term for idiots. For most people with an IQ above 3, our identity involves, and has a lot to do with, different cultures contributing, rather than taking from us. We are a classic melting pot, we have been invaded many times - sometimes even conquered - and it could be argued that it is this that has made us who we are.


I for one have not noticed France, Germany or Spain merge into some sort of grey cultural ooze. It's just bull**** scaremongering propaganda. This could be seen as inflammatory, but I say it is true - it is people like you who would very easily have become a card carrying - no, enthusiastic, contrubuting - nazi, and genuinely believed the transparent conspiracy theories about Jewish plans and untermensch status.


I'm pretty sure my IQ is a lot higher than 3, and since I'm not fully English, your argument is pretty píss poor. My Great Grandmother was a Russian Jew, so good one calling me a Nazi, you mong.

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Will this act actually stop me and the likes from downloading (say) Beatles albums thus negating the need for me to line the pockets of Sir Paul Macca for something he did nigh on 50 years ago? imho copyright in music and arts in general should last no more than 5 years Max (maybe 10 a sa compromise)


Or have I gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick?


More worrying for me is that if one of my children downloads copyrighted material my family would have any internet connection cut off and the entire address banned from using the internet, also any unprotected wireless networks would be shut down with immediate effect! I am given to understand this includes free wifi hotspots such as Mcdonalds and such like.

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I'm pretty sure my IQ is a lot higher than 3, and since I'm not fully English, your argument is pretty píss poor. My Great Grandmother was a Russian Jew, so good one calling me a Nazi, you mong.


Now I'm as thick as pigsh*t, but I can tell that he wasn't calling you a Nazi, rather a gullible moron. Good luck with that IQ thing.

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Now I'm as thick as pigsh*t, but I can tell that he wasn't calling you a Nazi, rather a gullible moron. Good luck with that IQ thing.


Indeed, he was merely indicating that large groups of people unquestioningly accepting biased information as fact is a disturbing thing that can have extremely unpleasant consequences if the biased information is intended for nefarious means.


And if you don't understand that you're a thick nazi mong.

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Mind if I don't sign, thanks.


As the internet grows (10 million more people use the internet now, than 10 years ago), more policing is needed, that includes limiting the amount of pirated and illegal material.


Also please note; MOST MPs didn't bother to vote. I think this is disgusting. I know someone who has written to his local MP saying he'll be tactically voting to remove him for not voting. Voting on issues like this should be mandatory.

THAT is the concerning point about this whole #debill issue.

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Now I'm as thick as pigsh*t, but I can tell that he wasn't calling you a Nazi, rather a gullible moron. Good luck with that IQ thing.


Yes, I see what you mean now, however, he still seemed to infer I was one of these English bigots, 'England is a white country' etc etc, when really, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for immigration. All that aside, we still have a 'National Identity', and giving in completely to Europe would be a nightmare. I don't need luck, I know my IQ ;)

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Thanks Scott. I've always had you down as someone who could read, and you don't disappoint.


Oh, and RAW91, if you're do very right-on, perhaps 'Mong' is a term you shouldn't be using. Furthermore, if you're one eighth Russian Jew, should you not perhaps be ever-so-slightly less moronic when it comes to understanding the influence and worth of immigration etc.? You say you're not one of "these English bigots", but you seem to have a relatively similar view to the group you refer to. How can you bemoan loss of identity but then still say you value immigration? You are either failing spectacularly to make a statement of any sense, or you are trying to be in both camps. Failing that, get out of my country. You're diluting the PURITY. Idiot.

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I haven't read the Act but if it has been drafted by the current government then I expect it is massively widely drafted with the potential to catch a whole load of things it shouldn't catch, with the potential to impose serious consequences upon a whole load of things it shouldn't be imposing serious consequences on.


That's what they have done with most of the other important legislation.


It will then be released along with some vague promise of guidance as to how it will be enforced by the authorities.

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I don't need luck, I know my IQ ;)


You'll also know that IQ is an entirely made-up concept; that intelligence qualities cannot truly be measured (as they are not superposable), particularly with an outdated test such as the IQ test. So don't put all your eggs in that basket, as your intellect is pretty clear to everyone who reads your posts on here.

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