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A good close season

CB Saint

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1) Appoint a respected and experienced manager

2) Utilise all funds received from sales to re-invest in the first team.

3) Ensure the signings of players that not only add to our soon to be severely weakened first team but also add further depth compared to our previous make-up.


It's not rocket science

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a manager would be useful. It would prob be a good idea if we get a manager. We also have no coaches for first team or youth, i reckon we should look at getting some coaches. If les+ralph have time left over they should also try and sort it so that we have at least 11 players to put on the field. Oh, and if we do get some players they will prob need a kit to play in.


Other than that i reckon we're pretty much on track for another stellar season yo!

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1) Appoint a respected and experienced manager

2) Utilise all funds received from sales to re-invest in the first team.

3) Ensure the signings of players that not only add to our soon to be severely weakened first team but also add further depth compared to our previous make-up.


It's not rocket science


Yes I think that sums it up nicely. I'd just add that they must keep at least a couple of our stars for any credibility - starting with our Captain, Adam Lallana.

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Good question and the answer is easy;


To start the season with a stronger squad than we finished last season with.


Perfectly achievable in my opinion, although whether the new manager could get the same out of any new squad as MP could have, remains to be seen. I think most, if not all of us recognise his loss as a significant blow.


But assuming we lose; Shaw, Lallana Lambert and possibly one or two others (I don't think we will sell Lovern) then the money would allow us to be stronger;


Can we get an equal or better player for Shaw for less than 30 million - Of course we ******* can. They might be at the end of their career, or a completely different type of full back, but what we are selling in Shaw is his potential and age and whilst very good is not the finished article yet - We all know he will be but for next season he is entirely replaceable at a fraction of 30 million.


Lallana will be more difficult to replace and player for player, we probably won't get close, but I suspect we will change our shape and system, with a different type of player. That said we might just gamble on a foreigner of the same ilk. will be the hardest one to replace and the biggest lost - That shirt number will need to deliver 9 goals and 8 assists just to match Lallana. Perhaps worth pointing out that lallana finshed very few matches - We played a significant amount of game time without it, so there's nothing new to us about playing without him.


Lambert - We tried to sell him once before and was unlikely to ever feature in as many games next season as he did this. If the 4 million is correct then we are going to need a significant top up from the other player sales to get close to a 15 goal a season striker.


I think a lot of our activity in terms of purchasing will be based on what the new guy wants to do with Osvaldo and Gaston. They both represent significant amounts of money and neither would be missed from the squad if they left. They are both class players - can the new guy get them firing -Who knows.


Then we need (IMO) a new centre half, new goalie and one if not two new strikers (Over and above Lamberts replacement) depending on our Italian friend.


If Osvaldo and Gaston leave, plus Shaw, Lallana, Lambert and an other that's somewhere close to 80 million in transfer fees. If we get half of that to reinvest, we can compete and perhaps even be stronger (As long as AN other isn't Lovern or Morgan)

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Sorry, but anyone who thinks we will emerge stronger from this window is barking mad.


Its damage limitation already. In isoloation the sale of Lambert, or Shaw etc isnt too bad, but all at once it rips the heart out of the squad, dressing room and club. Players who have grown with Saints over the last few years will be gone, and we will end up with too much change for it to be healthy.


Good window now would be having a decent manager, only losing 4 or 5 of our best players and getting about 7 or 8 good players in.


Can't see us signing 7 or 8 that are all good first team players.

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They would have to go a long way in my view.


We need a "top" manager (whoever that is) that will give us, the fans, a continuation of the decent football we've come to enjoy, playing youth and who will keep the team spirit. We'd need to still strengthen in the areas we were lacking (CB, GK, forward) but now 2 forward players at LEAST.


I was annoyed at Pochettino going and not showing loyalty, but if Rickie goes, that's just gutting. Whether he would have been starting every match or not, it's still gutting.

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Firmly tell all the squad (and media) that any negotiations about leaving the club cannot happen while we have no manager installed.


Not until then will we know the new manager's future plans for SFC.


If the Board appoint a manager who the players respect because of his track record, and he can sell his vision for the club, then perhaps some of our better footballers will buy into it and stay.


I am not only talking about Adam and Luke, but others like Lovren, Fonte, Schneiderlin and Wanyama. An incoming manager will want a strong core squad to rebuild around.


Only then can we begin to strengthen the first team.


This is what should have happened ever since Poch left!

The Board are naive, out of their depth and too weak.

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