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Poortvliet's Verdict


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He's seen what I also perceived to be our main failings today... holding midfielders not fulfilling their roles and overplaying it at times. There was more but they were key, especially the former, as they're such pivotal players in both defence and for prompting our attacking play.


It's small comfort but I have yet to take issue with anything he says and I always see games the same as him. No hiding... calling it as it is, with a clear idea of specific things that need working on.


This break is good for us IMO.

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Spot on, except saying 3 games in a week is too much (i thought they wanted to play everyday?!)


Wanting to play and physically being able to play at 100% for 3 games in a week are two different things though. While the mind and attitude may be ready and willing to do this, the body could be the limiting factor. It's up to JP to recognise when a player is not capable of performing 100% for this sort of reason, and that's going to take a while for him to learn.

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I think he should take a look at himself, his selection, the inexplicable decision to sit John on the bench, tactics and the 1 up front.


John isn't fast, lets face it. And the younger players are given a chance to see if they had the legs and desire to win it.

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Plenty of people express can their opinion without being arrogant. As for 'fence sitting'... I just see it as making a rolling judgement based on performances to date and that after only 5 games it's too soon to be so certain of anything. If you can't respect that then so be it.

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Plenty of people express can their opinion without being arrogant. As for 'fence sitting'... I just see it as making a rolling judgement based on performances to date and that after only 5 games it's too soon to be so certain of anything. If you can't respect that then so be it.



You talk about respect after calling me arrogant.



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We need to realise it's a young team and they are still learning.


I thought Blackpool were excellent, they done their homework and didn't let us pass through them.


I liked the fact their heads didn't drop, they kept trying until the end.

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you have to like Poortvliet's honesty


and love the fact he actually sees the saem problems as we do


very different from Burley, Redknapp et al


although I don't understand why he didn't play Cork or Perhart (and bought Pulis)


lets hope he learns from his mistakes - I am confident he will though


and one more thing - forget about Stern John - its Pekrhart that's the future (I hope)

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You talk about respect after calling me arrogant.




'you'll see I'm right'... I would wager that most people would think that that sounds arrogant, and stating your opinion in such a way makes it sound dismissive of anyone who disagrees. If it wasn't intended that way then so be it, and I apologise but it DOES sound like it.

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you have to like Poortvliet's honesty and love the fact he actually sees the samee problems as we do.



Yup, as much as I think that he doesn't have the ability to deliver (although I very much HOPE he proves me wrong), he is very refreshingly open and honest. I appreciate him for that. Quite a positive change from GB.

And hey, things could have been worse - we could have ended up with Paul Ince!

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'you'll see I'm right'... I would wager that most people would think that that sounds arrogant, and stating your opinion in such a way makes it sound dismissive of anyone who disagrees. If it wasn't intended that way then so be it, and I apologise but it DOES sound like it.


The person whose post I was replying to didn't have a problem. I don't suppose anyone else did either.


Apology accepted.

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Great result for the negatives, they can enjoy their beer tonight in a quiet corner, muttering 'I told them so, I told them so......'.

BUT it was a poor display today. You could see JP becoming frustrated by some of the failings after half-time, and he certainly did the right thing to sub Jamie White, who had been v ineffectual, but the saddest thing for me was seeing Killer as a shadow of the player he used to be. Unthinkable? But in hindsight, I felt Thomas would have done better and wonder if MS will hold his place.

I don't agree with JP about there being a spate of missed chances. True there were some and we hit the woodwork near the end, but Blackpool had just as many chances, possibly more, often looked more dangerous, and 3 disallowed goals suggests who was on top. At 0-0 of course the game was there to win, but I always felt that Blackpool looked the more likely winners and that it was a deserved result. People around me leaving with 10 mins to go must have felt the same.

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I did wonder why pekhart wasnt in the squad? Not fit?


Probably a combination of not having spent enough time with the squad yet, McG not doing anything to warrant losing his place and Stern being a better attacking option on the bench. He will need time to train with the squad before being able to slot into what we're trying to do here.


I'd not be surprised to see him figure after this two week break though, as that should allow him time to get moved to this neck of the woods and get a week or two's training under his belt.


Would still rather see Stern play though, even though I am a fan of McG.

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Great result for the negatives, they can enjoy their beer tonight in a quiet corner, muttering 'I told them so, I told them so......'.


Headline: " 'professor' makes another moronic comment"

Oops. Nothing news there really.

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Headline: " 'professor' makes another moronic comment"

Oops. Nothing news there really.

Possibly 'news' should have been singular, rather than plural, for this posting to make sense, but then, I'm a moron, what do I know! (LOL)

Clearly the comment about negatives taking some pleasure from a defeat hit home too well and Offix must have recognised himself in the description. One of the means adopted too readily is to put the club down by insulting the club management with name-calling and abuse. It is sad when the same approach is applied on a personal basis to anyone posting on here who happens to take a different viewpoint.

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Possibly 'news' should have been singular, rather than plural, for this posting to make sense, but then, I'm a moron, what do I know! (LOL)

Clearly the comment about negatives taking some pleasure from a defeat hit home too well and Offix must have recognised himself in the description. One of the means adopted too readily is to put the club down by insulting the club management with name-calling and abuse. It is sad when the same approach is applied on a personal basis to anyone posting on here who happens to take a different viewpoint.


You're right. It is sad when some so-called fans feel the need to tell others that they somehow take pleasure when the team loses. Shows a level of misplaced self righteousness I have come to expect from you though. In that respect you don't disappoint.

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I did wonder why pekhart wasnt in the squad? Not fit?


According to Radio Hampshire, he was meant to be on the bench but there was some kind of mix up. Not sure if he wasn't correctly registered, we had too many loan players, or what?


It's possibly something which should be explained.

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Some of the things Jan Poortvliet says are plain daft! How quickly his "Bring it on!" has turned into "Please, give us some respite!"


Sorry to say but I can't see it working out for him after all. No doubt Judas & Co will give him until December?


Early Euphoria carries many teams forward but sustaining it is nigh impossible, nobody has that much adrenaline. Look what happened to Stoke and Hull on Saturday, it's always seems easy for 3 games but then the 'norm' kicks in - same with us! Now we must start being realistic, revise our wildest expectations / hopes and accept that a relegation fight seems distinctly possible.

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Some of the things Jan Poortvliet says are plain daft! How quickly his "Bring it on!" has turned into "Please, give us some respite!"


Sorry to say but I can't see it working out for him after all. No doubt Judas & Co will give him until December?


Early Euphoria carries many teams forward but sustaining it is nigh impossible, nobody has that much adrenaline. Look what happened to Stoke and Hull on Saturday, it's always seems easy for 3 games but then the 'norm' kicks in - same with us! Now we must start being realistic, revise our wildest expectations / hopes and accept that a relegation fight seems distinctly possible.

I may be wrong, I often am, but I don't think JP said, bring it on, I think he said that some of the players made that comment as away of showing how keen they were. When a side wins a quarter final and the fans start chanting, bring on the Arsenal, or some such, I don't think it is meant to be taken literally!

Its too early for fans to swing from euphoria to hysteria on a result by result basis. Defeats by a single goal are still defeats, but they are not indications of being outclassed, and although Blackpool deserved the win, the result could easily have been a draw or a win for Saints. There is plenty of time for the results to come. If we are in the bottom 3 in October, I will join the depressives, but not yet. If we are mid-table in October with 8 or 10 teams below us, will the fans who are already worrying about relegation, agree things are not so bad after all?

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Spot on, except saying 3 games in a week is too much (i thought they wanted to play everyday?!)


I agree I like what Jan has to say on the whole but I dont think you can say 1 day that the lads want and can play everyday then blame tiredness for a defeat there was some good Football and if only we had taken our chances but we looked very vunerable on the break and the passing never really got going 3 or 4 players not at it today Gillett looked great against Brum had a very poor game Spiderman looks a player but not on Saturday Killer looked well below par lack of pace didnt win his headers White poor game our young side needs everybody at it for a quick incisive passing game to work

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