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Whites face


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Previously we have never had more than about two academy graduates make it into the first team a season. Now that may be on the low side because of the reluctance of managers like Redknapp to play them but I am concerned after the Blackpool game.


I know the likes of NavyRed believe in many of the youngsters but I am starting to ask myself why are this lot any better than previous ones? Perhaps the answer is that they are not!

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After being subbed saturday, he looked destroyed, I really felt for him, it wasn't a look of why the f*ck did you sub me it was more oh noes the world is gonna end cos I gave away a stupid penalty. Poor kid, hope Jan gives him a big kiss and a cuddle.


Nobody who has ever played football from pub teams upwards likes to be taken off and subbed unless they are injured.


The trouble with kids is also their strength = their inexperience leads to drive energy and motivation, but also of course they have no fear of failure.


I've mentioned before that one of the issues with fans calling for chopping and changing every week is the mental impact this has on the youngsters. Take DMG, on Saturday he did nothing wrong, could have taken up better positions, been a bit more decisive, but he did not have a BAD game. So in two weeks he's likely to be dropped for SJ to "add a bit more bite". How does that make him feel?


White may well have been the proverbial rabbit in the headlights on the pitch, but then as our central midfielders had real problems moving the ball around, how much was his fault?


He probably felt the booking and the penalty meant he let the whole team down. Maybe he did, but that would have been the first time he had that emotion in front of 15,000 people.


The mental impact on him will now weigh heavily for the next two weeks, he most likely won't get a place in the starting line up in 2 weeks and it will possibly be quite a few weeks before he is ready again.


The posts on here before the game, "we could be 5th", we're gonna walk this league reflected the self belief that JP is instilling in the lads. (and was also way out of order!) This game was the first real knock-back for all of them. They simply did not turn up. It may have happened before in Academy or reserve games but at SMS and on TV......


The problem now is not one of plan B but of picking themselves up and "getting back on the bike".


White looked gutted, he's probably the first of the youngsters to learn a very hard lesson. He is probably not alone, before Saturday some were calling Gillett the new Paul Scholes. My neutral mate answered that one - yeah Paul Scholes when he couldn't see anything with his eye problems.


Harsh lesson on Saturday for all of them, White will be a far better player now for the lesson, but not for a few weeks IMHO

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I think you'll find the earlier comment was very much 'tongue-in-cheek'.


My tongue was in my cheek. Holmes did very much seem to be the preferred wing outlet...


But Jamie will learn from this. And this is where you see the measure of the man...


You can't have a barnstormer in every game unfortunately...

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I didnt think he had a great game but he was among many others that were in the same boat. The penalty was a split decission that he made and it went the wrong way for him. He will learn and it was a harsh lesson but we had a few exerienced players giving away pens last season so it cant just be blamed on youth.


His face at half time looked to me that he was gutted to be off as he didnt have a chance to put things right. He maybe felt he was the scapegoat for the team not preforming up to scratch. No doubt JP will let them all know that they win as a team and fail as a team and no-one will be singled out.


White will get other chances and will be ahead of dyer as long as he can pass round players.

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My tongue was in my cheek. Holmes did very much seem to be the preferred wing outlet...


But Jamie will learn from this. And this is where you see the measure of the man...


You can't have a barnstormer in every game unfortunately...

But Holmes was delivering on the left, especially in the first half. He was in space, which Jamie wasn't finding on the right, and Holmes was getting past defenders and getting crosses in. I didn't think it was the penalty that got White subbed, but there may have been some inexperience about the challenge, as the player who went down was not threatening a shot on goal from where the incident happened. I also thought Dyer made an instant difference, certainly for the first part of the second half.

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But Holmes was delivering on the left, especially in the first half. He was in space, which Jamie wasn't finding on the right, and Holmes was getting past defenders and getting crosses in. I didn't think it was the penalty that got White subbed, but there may have been some inexperience about the challenge, as the player who went down was not threatening a shot on goal from where the incident happened. I also thought Dyer made an instant difference, certainly for the first part of the second half.


Holmes has a good first touch...which allows him that extra bit of space i thought. Once you see a player do it once or twice you're then more encouraged to give him the ball again...

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Although it was stone wall penalty in my eyes, the lad did great at Derby, and as someone already said, he had a decent game against Blackpool apart from the pen.


Really? Looked like he had a mare to me, got lucky with the ball breaking to him twice when the pool keeper then fell "injured" other than that he was awful. I think his problem and others who have played that wide right position is that they dont push on enough,this leads to him being too close to the full back or CM to make the pass to him useful. Didn't do enough tracking back or going forward for me. That's not to say he wont be amazing next time hes put into the team but Saturday he was poor and theres no point dressing it up as otherwise.

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To be fair, he was not good. Does not mean he will not be good though.


I remember Lallana making his debut under Burley at home and he had a similar experience in that he was ineffectual and was pulled off at half time. He managed to overcome this poor start and I hope, and believe, that Jamie will too.


Perhaps it's easier for some of these younger players to make their debut away from home where there is less expectation and pressure.


Jamie WHite has bags of talent and his time will come.

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Nobody who has ever played football from pub teams upwards likes to be taken off and subbed unless they are injured.


The trouble with kids is also their strength = their inexperience leads to drive energy and motivation, but also of course they have no fear of failure.


I've mentioned before that one of the issues with fans calling for chopping and changing every week is the mental impact this has on the youngsters. Take DMG, on Saturday he did nothing wrong, could have taken up better positions, been a bit more decisive, but he did not have a BAD game. So in two weeks he's likely to be dropped for SJ to "add a bit more bite". How does that make him feel?


White may well have been the proverbial rabbit in the headlights on the pitch, but then as our central midfielders had real problems moving the ball around, how much was his fault?


He probably felt the booking and the penalty meant he let the whole team down. Maybe he did, but that would have been the first time he had that emotion in front of 15,000 people.


The mental impact on him will now weigh heavily for the next two weeks, he most likely won't get a place in the starting line up in 2 weeks and it will possibly be quite a few weeks before he is ready again.


The posts on here before the game, "we could be 5th", we're gonna walk this league reflected the self belief that JP is instilling in the lads. (and was also way out of order!) This game was the first real knock-back for all of them. They simply did not turn up. It may have happened before in Academy or reserve games but at SMS and on TV......


The problem now is not one of plan B but of picking themselves up and "getting back on the bike".


White looked gutted, he's probably the first of the youngsters to learn a very hard lesson. He is probably not alone, before Saturday some were calling Gillett the new Paul Scholes. My neutral mate answered that one - yeah Paul Scholes when he couldn't see anything with his eye problems.


Harsh lesson on Saturday for all of them, White will be a far better player now for the lesson, but not for a few weeks IMHO


Precisly the way I feel. Thye need to be encouraged not shouted down. This is a different set of rules we are playing with now, and we ALL, including those that have a perpensity to boo and cat call, need to get a bit of perspective of WHO our team now contains and to do their bit to try and keep confidence high.


A quick analogy, if you will.


Your child is learning to walk. S/He has been toddling along for a few days now walking from one end of the room to the other. You say, 'Well done, keep going' and you tell everyone how well your child is walking and your family see it. The you invite evryone to see it again and, on this day, your child has problems standing and when he falls over, you of course say, ' You stupid ****ing little ****, How dare you fall down in front of everyone, I going to kick the **** out of you for that, you little *****. I ****ing knew you would let me down. I hate you you little bastard'. No you don't. You give your child encouragement to do well, and when they fall, you encourage them to pick themselves up and try again.

If you are the former, go and join another team, you are not welcome. If you are the latter then please carry on. And this doesn't include constructive critisism, and venting feelings of disappointment, and upset at those who are being lazy, as these are still valid. It just a case of giving the team the chance to bounce back.


I'm Frasier Crane, good mental health to you, Soputhampton

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Precisly the way I feel. Thye need to be encouraged not shouted down. This is a different set of rules we are playing with now, and we ALL, including those that have a perpensity to boo and cat call, need to get a bit of perspective of WHO our team now contains and to do their bit to try and keep confidence high.


A quick analogy, if you will.


Your child is learning to walk. S/He has been toddling along for a few days now walking from one end of the room to the other. You say, 'Well done, keep going' and you tell everyone how well your child is walking and your family see it. The you invite evryone to see it again and, on this day, your child has problems standing and when he falls over, you of course say, ' You stupid ****ing little ****, How dare you fall down in front of everyone, I going to kick the **** out of you for that, you little *****. I ****ing knew you would let me down. I hate you you little bastard'. No you don't. You give your child encouragement to do well, and when they fall, you encourage them to pick themselves up and try again.

If you are the former, go and join another team, you are not welcome. If you are the latter then please carry on. And this doesn't include constructive critisism, and venting feelings of disappointment, and upset at those who are being lazy, as these are still valid. It just a case of giving the team the chance to bounce back.


I'm Frasier Crane, good mental health to you, Soputhampton


Do you do private consultations Frasier?

Fair few on here would have a whip round to get you to sort out some of our "scoobllstdavidalpsundanctommacs"

But only after me:-)!!!!

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Jake Thompson had a couple of games, did pretty well and then was dropped in favour of White !

All the young lads have to realise that this is a squad game and that you'll be in and out, sometimes with a clear reason (dodgy pen!) and sometimes without !

This is where good management comes to the fore. Step forward JP and MW!

Should not be a prob for young White as he will come back stronger with good support !!

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Thomson has scored for the reserves tonight - re staking his claim.


I like the fact that Jan seems happy to keep the same team when they have played well - and they know that if they don't do well then someone who has been working hard in training or playing well for the reserves will have earned their chance

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Precisly the way I feel. Thye need to be encouraged not shouted down. This is a different set of rules we are playing with now, and we ALL, including those that have a perpensity to boo and cat call, need to get a bit of perspective of WHO our team now contains and to do their bit to try and keep confidence high.


A quick analogy, if you will.


Your child is learning to walk. S/He has been toddling along for a few days now walking from one end of the room to the other. You say, 'Well done, keep going' and you tell everyone how well your child is walking and your family see it. The you invite evryone to see it again and, on this day, your child has problems standing and when he falls over, you of course say, ' You stupid ****ing little ****, How dare you fall down in front of everyone, I going to kick the **** out of you for that, you little *****. I ****ing knew you would let me down. I hate you you little bastard'. No you don't. You give your child encouragement to do well, and when they fall, you encourage them to pick themselves up and try again.

If you are the former, go and join another team, you are not welcome. If you are the latter then please carry on. And this doesn't include constructive critisism, and venting feelings of disappointment, and upset at those who are being lazy, as these are still valid. It just a case of giving the team the chance to bounce back.


I'm Frasier Crane, good mental health to you, Soputhampton



Although I agree with your sentiments I cannot agree about the constructive criticism. If a player plays badly he must be shown what he has done wrong in a manner that allows him to put it right. Either he will learn and not make the same mistakes again, good, understand that he has made mistakes work on correcting this and make them less often in the future, OK but still positive, or go off and sulk and think his critics are wrong, bad!!.


The last one is particularly true of McGoldrick who unless being played as the out and out striker sulks and sits out wide looking disinterested. In the professional game you must take critcism on board weigh it up and if pertinent work on it.


To take your analogy if your baby was running around with a knife you may be happy that he is walking but surely you would criticise aand explain that doing so with a knife is not the best way to do it!!!

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You've made a d*ck of yourself on this thread, how unusual.

Why Am I a mind reader? The impression your thread gave was that it was his expression as he was taken off. As I didn't watch tv and you hadn't mentioned 'on the highlights' how was I to know that it was from tv highlights.As I know you attend games I thought that is where you meant.

As for being a d### that may be true but I can live with that.

How's the strap on?

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After being subbed saturday, he looked destroyed, I really felt for him, it wasn't a look of why the f*ck did you sub me it was more oh noes the world is gonna end cos I gave away a stupid penalty. Poor kid, hope Jan gives him a big kiss and a cuddle.


I reckon it would be sad if some good propsects lose their confidence and are damaged because they've been thrown in too early in the name of "financial prudence"

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What a pathetic jibe, but just about par-for-the-course from you.



You may have to count your posts but at least Saint Charlie gave you permission for limited number per day. I am not sure that nick has even got permission to clock on.


Personally I enjoy all posters on here, most of the time.


Alpine and nick keep up the good work but no scratching or biting as I want to hear what you got to say, you both brighten my day and now and again

come up with some real beauties.


Free the St Marys corners.

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You may have to count your posts but at least Saint Charlie gave you permission for limited number per day. I am not sure that nick has even got permission to clock on.


Personally I enjoy all posters on here, most of the time.


Alpine and nick keep up the good work but no scratching or biting as I want to hear what you got to say, you both brighten my day and now and again

come up with some real beauties.


Free the St Marys corners.

you must have a dull life if a pessimist brightens your day.Whatever rocks your boat I suppose.

Who is Saint Charlie, I missed that bit?

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