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the sensible thread for thps woul;d like to make some constrctive criticisms - we may


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be at wembley which hasa nice arch althought the searing segration is ruybbisg nut athat is not importan we were there 2o years ago and we will be therin another 20 years.


POleas keep you replies civil and respect thpose poisters that you may not GREE WITH. WE ARE FAMILY, NOT ALWAYS A HAPPTY, AS THEY DAY YOU CAN CHOOSE YPOU FRIENDS BUT NOTYOUR FAMILY.

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someone is a light weight - not just our midfield then!!


I'M A LIGHTWEIGHT BUT THAT DONT STOP ME, which player you about cos this is sednsible thread where thing moany but constructive will hep you nevr knowap and nc might look at your ideas anf think yeah tha5t amazin we gotta do it and then stop being just a fan anhd you become alegend and the keus havestopped movig


**** maybe they still moving a bit

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THPS (Tony Hawk's pro skater) was a quality game on the Playstation back in the day. Used to love notching up those combos!


best games are the olympic ones where you use a lighter tomake him run faster. it's like exercose although

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Strange. Dune's arguments seem to be more coherent and well reasoned than usual. :-k


Cs Lewis or it might have been someone else wrote bhis novels when ****ed, i think it was cs lewis, and his best eer work never materialised because a door to door sale man interupted him in mid flow. Maybe it was the same for jrr tolkien (although he's abit overated although still good but theres better although you may not think that if you only sen the films which are good but miss stuff oout) as he never finnised the silmarilion (hope o spelt that right) bu it may have been because he died in which case that example does not apply although tis a good example if it did

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