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Top 5 worst food you've eaten?


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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

Christ Dog, I was in a bad enough state when I tried some wasabi paste. How pished were you to try eating any of that lot?

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Sheeps brain served cold - Istanbul - ****ed

Sheeps head soup - Istanbul - Half ****ed

Crocodile balls - Bangkok - Sober

Calfs intestines - Albania - Sober

Monkey brains - Indonesia - Steaming





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I almost tried balut, but I couldn't go through with it. I will one day though.


I would rather chew on a donkeys foreskin than eat that sh;t.










Edited by Dog
missed the e out of foreskin
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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
I would rather chew on a donkeys forskin than eat that sh;t.


I'm pretty sure some of the Bulgarian food I ate from a street vendor was made of just that.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
The eye of fish from a fish head curry in singapore. It was the size of a 50p piece. Cooked fish eyes have a little round white thing in the middle of them. Any one know what that is?


Either the cooked lens (which is like egg white and turns opaque on cooking) or a parasite.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
It's rather worrying you don't know for sure TBH


Frankly I think it's better that I don't know for sure and just keep believing it was pork.

Give it its due though, it was cheap...

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Durian ice cream - ate it for a bet. Smells so bad that you can get fined in Singapore for carrying the fruit in public.



I've eaten durian before, smells and tastes of the worst eggy farts you could ever dream of, and all the locals go mad for a slice of fart salad.

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Not even had one touch my lips since a traumatic experience with one at junior school - never had one before that day either - tried a bite whilst driving the car last year (mrs h promised that I would love it having denied myslef 'the pleasure' for so many yeras, and I almost puked, my eyes watered and the mess slopped down my chin whilst she tried to mop it up whilst i struglled to maintain control of said car. They are filthy dirty horrible things imho.


The only good thing about bananas is that every now and then the question comes up in a pub quiz about naming a fruit begining with 'B'. I always lol at those nutters who put banana down as a banana is actually a herb. FACT

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Not even had one touch my lips since a traumatic experience with one at junior school - never had one before that day either - tried a bite whilst driving the car last year (mrs h promised that I would love it having denied myslef 'the pleasure' for so many yeras, and I almost puked, my eyes watered and the mess slopped down my chin whilst she tried to mop it up whilst i struglled to maintain control of said car. They are filthy dirty horrible things imho.


The only good thing about bananas is that every now and then the question comes up in a pub quiz about naming a fruit begining with 'B'. I always lol at those nutters who put banana down as a banana is actually a herb. FACT


Major lol at that. I'm just sorry it was at your misfortune!


In penance, I promise not to eat another banana. (Meh, I don't really like them anyway, and my missus loathes them.)

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I have a work friend who throws up if she even SMELLS a banana.


Caused havoc in the office when we al got our bananas out at coffee break :D


Major lol at that. I'm just sorry it was at your misfortune!


In penance, I promise not to eat another banana. (Meh, I don't really like them anyway, and my missus loathes them.)


Smell a real banana and I sometimes have to walk away. However I used to love those sweet banannas (see sweet thread pics) and my absolute favourite milkshake flavour is.............banana. Explain that one then?


Oh, and mrs b, re the banana at tea break thing, I can't even join in with the ever-funny "Oi! Oi! Nudge Nudge Wink Wink" shenanigans. I think it is a disgusting sight to watch a woman eating a herb suggestively.

Edited by hamster
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Smell a real banana and I sometimes have to walk away. However I used to love those sweet banannas (see sweet thread pics) and my absolute favourite milkshake flavour is.............banana. Explain that one then?


Oh, and mrs b, re the banana at tea break thing, I can't even join in with the ever-funny "Oi! Oi! Nudge Nudge Wink Wink" shenanigans. I think it is a disgusting sight to watch a woman eating a herb suggestively.


Then don't!



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Not even had one touch my lips since a traumatic experience with one at junior school - never had one before that day either - tried a bite whilst driving the car last year (mrs h promised that I would love it having denied myslef 'the pleasure' for so many yeras, and I almost puked, my eyes watered and the mess slopped down my chin whilst she tried to mop it up whilst i struglled to maintain control of said car. They are filthy dirty horrible things imho.


The only good thing about bananas is that every now and then the question comes up in a pub quiz about naming a fruit begining with 'B'. I always lol at those nutters who put banana down as a banana is actually a herb. FACT


The banana plant can be classed as a herb but the banana in its natural state in a fruit. It has been cultivated to not contain seeds but in its original form it contains a seed, has flesh and has skin.

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The banana plant can be classed as a herb but the banana in its natural state in a fruit. It has been cultivated to not contain seeds but in its original form it contains a seed, has flesh and has skin.[/QUOTE]



Thanks for that additional info Sambosa from this info am i safe to conclude that i too am actually a banana?

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Funny, I work with a Fillipino guy and he was telling us about Balut a couple of days ago. It's only the idea that's gross, but when you think about it, if you eat chicken, and you eat eggs, then what's the problem? It's just a boiled egg with meat inside.


Anybody gone for that buried, rotting Mongolian dish?

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The banana plant can be classed as a herb but the banana in its natural state in a fruit. It has been cultivated to not contain seeds but in its original form it contains a seed, has flesh and has skin.[/QUOTE]



Thanks for that additional info Sambosa from this info am i safe to conclude that i too am actually a banana?


No, you are a fruit!

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