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just back from Brighton

Saint Keith

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How is he blaming the ref? He was making a general observation.


Its a general observation being used like a full-stop at the end of the report of every defeat. Its a bad habit certain of our fans have got into.


CB Fry calls it right - why do we always behave like we are hard done-by all the time ?


We werent good enough tonight - SaintKeith should have just left it at that.

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Its a general observation being used like a full-stop at the end of the report of every defeat. Its a bad habit certain of our fans have got into.


CB Fry calls it right - why do we always behave like we are hard done-by all the time ?


We werent good enough tonight - SaintKeith should have just left it at that.


No he shouldn't, he was making a statement about how he saw it - it's you that took it as an excuse

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F**k me, Alpine....do you see in black and white too??? if you read the original post (without your "saints players must die if we drop a point" head on) you will see that the OP said that we were awful AND the ref was ****e......NOT we drew COZ the ref was ****e!



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No he shouldn't, he was making a statement about how he saw it - it's you that took it as an excuse


He started the thread and was fairly blunt about the team performance. It seems to me being angry with the ref is some sort of emotional sop being used by some of our fans to hide from how crap the team has played.

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He started the thread and was fairly blunt about the team performance. It seems to me being angry with the ref is some sort of emotional sop being used by some of our fans to hide from how crap the team has played.


Yes a ref can be shocking and in a tight game make the difference, it'll always be a caveat to any defeat and sometimes a win.


It's defo worthy of a mention in a objective manner (you may beg to differ on his objectivity), especially as he was at the game and in this instance your bating of an excuse was not justified IMO.

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From the reaction thread ..


Just got back in, had to sit in the home end, but rest assured when we equalised i did get up and blurt out 'get the f*ck in you f*cking beauty!!' to a few iffy looks.


By no means did we play well, at all, but we still got a point against one of the form sides of the league. The most annoying thing about tonight is that played our game and were better at it. We jus didnt try to pass til the last 10 mins of the game. Hit it to lambert was all we did really.


Barnard definately should have started tonight he looked really lively, and the ref was ****.


Kelvin - 7 - Fairly faultless

Ostemobor - Could have perhaps stopped the cross for the second

Jaidi - 7 - Bullied Murray off the pitch

Fonte - 7 - Was okay, think hes played better

Harding - 6 - Didnt get forward at all

Lallana - 6 - Pretty quiet tbh

Hammond - 7 - Got his goal he clearly wanted, ran alot. Faded in and out

Wotton - 6 - Average at best

Puncheon - 7 - Really worked hard, just didnt seem to have the options

Lambert - 7 - Won every header, didnt do anything wrong

Antonio - 6 - Wasnt quite his day, not the right service for him


Papa - 6 - Made a difference and got the assist (i think?), but nothing major

Seabourne - 6 - Not the same arial powerhouse Jaidi is

Barnard - 7 - Made all the difference, ran, harried, scored. Well bloody done


Couldnt give anyone an 8 as we have played so much better than that. Season has been over for a while, but hey might as well try n enjoy the rest of the season.

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just got back


Brighton really impressed. A Bit like Swindon, good on the ball, good going forward, but they were def there for the taking.


Fonte our best player by a mile, won everything and even showed drive going forward. Shame the subs weren't made earlier.


Also the atmosphere was dog as it appears to be a regualar thing recently

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we were awful. very, very fortunate to come away with a draw.


didn't put them under any pressure until the last 5 minutes. referee was shocking as well


Just back aswell, we were poor and lucky to get the draw. S=it ground could not see most of the game.No good till the three subs came on. Roll on Monday

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Why did Pardew wait so long to sub. We were singing for Barnard about 15 minutes before he bought him on. We were so so strong in the last 10 minutes, had he bought them on with 25 mins to go we'd have won I'm sure. I've never blamed Pardew for his tactics until tonight.

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Its a general observation being used like a full-stop at the end of the report of every defeat. Its a bad habit certain of our fans have got into.


CB Fry calls it right - why do we always behave like we are hard done-by all the time ?


We werent good enough tonight - SaintKeith should have just left it at that.


Well, you have to remember CBFRY is ALWAYS right, so that debate should end.

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We have to learn to overcome bad refs in the same way as we have to learn to overcome bad pitches or teams playing negative football.

We know all these things are going to happen every game but still we all look shocked when they do.....to get out of this league we need to deal with these things.

Edited by lordswoodsaints
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I got back late last night from the "Seagull ****-hole" & am soooooo angry I had to post up something - before I can get back to my life!!

Are our so-called "Management team" retarded???

You can't play our "beautiful game" of 4-5-1 (reverting to 4-3-3 when we attack, so say!!) on a dog of an athletic stadium pitch, when the wind is also howling!!

THAT was obvious within 3 minutes of the start - yet they wait until 17 minutes from the end to make a TRIPLE substitution??? Christ (Easter reference there!!), Dean Wilkins was manager there for 2 years - did he have no impact on tactics??

I'm going out on my bike to swear at any motorist I can find!!! - that's after I've e-mailed Cortese to get my ticket/travel monies back!!!! St. Nick of the Northam!!

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We have to learn to overcome bad refs in the same way as we have to learn to overcome bad pitches or teams playing negative football.

We know all these things are going to happen every game but still we all look shocked when they do.....to get out of this league we need to deal with these things.


But its so bloody unfair because they only affect us, didnt you know ?

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How did Alpine play today


Judging by his posts he was the worlds greatest moaning football fan but he went missing for much of the game especially around the time saints scored.


Alpine needs to be more consistent with his moans to be classed as truly world class, perhaps he should transfer his allegence to the Skates and he would undoubtedly become the greatest moaning fan of all time

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Posted this in the sticky thread above...


I had heard how bad the view was from the away end, but didn't realise it would be that bad! Didn't expect to be frisked, or 'encouraged' to go into the away 'suite' as soon as we arrived either (in good time prior to KO).


Cannot comment much on the first half, as it was played out of sight with regards Saints attacking, but defensively it seemed we were getting exposed by the midfield being bypassed by Brighton's quickness. 1-1 was good at the break and I did think AP would have seriously considered changes immediately or shortly after.

Someone surely would have suggested it through the dressing room window on their way back from the loo :D


Barnard was warming up for over 15 minutes before he came on second half, but to be fair we were having a decent spell early on, but Brighton broke away and scored.

I think most Saints fans wanted him on ASAP after that, as Saints just seemed to run out of ideas and play hoofball. Post substitutions they played better and funnily enough when we got the ball on the floor, Waigo burst to the byline, hit the ball low across the box, goal.


Happy with a point considering the performance in parts (wanted and expected 3 naturally), but it leaves absolutely no margin for error now - 8 wins a must and that probably won't be enough.

Edited by markr27
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About time we stopped blaming refs, to be honest.......


About time you stopped posting in 'just back from the game' threads.


These threads are for people who were there. Feel free to ask questions of those who go to games but please try and refrain from offering your opinion otherwise people may think you are trolling. Perish the thought.



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Agree completely with Markr27's post above. From where we were seated you really couldn't get much idea of what was going on in the first half. It was miles away.


It was pretty obvious though that we were playing a very narrow 4-5-1 which left us having to resort to the usual ploy of whacking it up to Lambert with the midfield never finding much space and the wide midfielders having to run to the wings rather than being out there in the first place. In contrast they seemed to play with width on both sides.


Although we improved in the second half, it wasn't until the substitutions were made and we then played with real width that we took control of the game. I don't really know why we didn't start that way. We are much too cautious away from home. It's not the pitches-the surface last night was ok-it's the formation we're set up to play with. By the way, had no problem with the ref last night!


Shame we'll almost certainly have to go back to that dreadful stadium next year.

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How did Alpine play today


Judging by his posts he was the worlds greatest moaning football fan but he went missing for much of the game especially around the time saints scored.


Alpine needs to be more consistent with his moans to be classed as truly world class, perhaps he should transfer his allegence to the Skates and he would undoubtedly become the greatest moaning fan of all time


I have a 9 week old baby that needed my attention at that time. Got a problem with that ?


And I was here until HT.

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About time you stopped posting in 'just back from the game' threads.


These threads are for people who were there. Feel free to ask questions of those who go to games but please try and refrain from offering your opinion otherwise people may think you are trolling. Perish the thought.




Who are you to tell me where to post ?

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We started slowly as i suspected we would after Sunday. They were a fast attacking side and could have been 2 up in 20 minutes.


Overall, we deserved a draw and took the game to them in the second half, we looked good when using the full width of the pitch.


Have to give credit to their fans, in an open athletics stadium they were quite noisy at times but it was weird hearing them sing stuff about redknapp.


Some of our fans did sing the homophobic stuff which they probably get every week, but in this day and age the stewards and police appeared and warned of nickings if it continued.


Look forward going to their new ground at Falmer in a couple of seasons-we'll get a couple of thousand for that and it'll be more like the old games between us.

Brighton is an excellent town for a day out.

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We started slowly as i suspected we would after Sunday. They were a fast attacking side and could have been 2 up in 20 minutes.


Overall, we deserved a draw and took the game to them in the second half, we looked good when using the full width of the pitch.


Have to give credit to their fans, in an open athletics stadium they were quite noisy at times but it was weird hearing them sing stuff about redknapp.


Some of our fans did sing the homophobic stuff which they probably get every week, but in this day and age the stewards and police appeared and warned of nickings if it continued.


Look forward going to their new ground at Falmer in a couple of seasons-we'll get a couple of thousand for that and it'll be more like the old games between us.

Brighton is an excellent town for a day out.


Not expecting us to go up next year?;) or are you expecting Brighton to get promoted with us?

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Well, you have to remember CBFRY is ALWAYS right, so that debate should end.


You're starting to sound a little obsessed now.


Edit: I just remembered who I'm addressing this to. Stable. Bolt. Door.

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I am getting all this personal abuse because some of you cant handle my opinion.


You pi ss people off because you dominate threads with negative views -often 20% of the posts with the other 80% shared between 4,000 other members - when by your own admission you werent at the game and didnt even listen to the 2nd half on the radio.


You seem to assume most people on here are deaf and stupid. They arent. You dont need to bang the same drum every fifth post.

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I dont find that funny. He is not very well at the moment.


Why dont you give it a rest ?


Could say the same to you Alps. After every match you find something to complain about. Your constant moaning and negativity is draining and after the last few seasons we really don't need it now we have something to be optimistic about.


You really seem incapable of finding any joy in supporting Saints, so why on Earth do you do it?


FFS, we won a trophy on Sunday and picked up a tough point away last night..and you are still in Victor Meldew mode???


It is not that people can't handle you opinion, it is just the way you have to find a cloud to any silver lining.


You really can't wait for Pardew to be sacked can you? You will be in your element. Instead of this constant whinging and griping, why don't you try and support the manager and his team. They have a tough enough job to do without doom merchants like you getting on their back after every game.


If you can't handle the fact that we are NEVER going to win every game we play you had better start stocking up the Prozac.

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we were awful. very, very fortunate to come away with a draw.


didn't put them under any pressure until the last 5 minutes. referee was shocking as well


That is exactly how it sounded on the radio. Well done Pardew for a totally innept demonstration of how not to manage a team.

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Could say the same to you Alps. After every match you find something to complain about. Your constant moaning and negativity is draining and after the last few seasons we really don't need it now we have something to be optimistic about.


You really seem incapable of finding any joy in supporting Saints, so why on Earth do you do it?


FFS, we won a trophy on Sunday and picked up a tough point away last night..and you are still in Victor Meldew mode???


It is not that people can't handle you opinion, it is just the way you have to find a cloud to any silver lining.


You really can't wait for Pardew to be sacked can you? You will be in your element. Instead of this constant whinging and griping, why don't you try and support the manager and his team. They have a tough enough job to do without doom merchants like you getting on their back after every game.


If you can't handle the fact that we are NEVER going to win every game we play you had better start stocking up the Prozac.


I dont recall saying that every game must be a thumping victory and a ritual humilliation for the opposition.


But when I feel the team could have done better (as in last night) then, yes, I am bloody angry.


Playing meekly and defensively when we have a goal to chase and not being able to play on certain pitches is a f**king disgrace.

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