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Ex Pats can vote

Saint in Paradise

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You have to register at the Embassy and stuff, but think the deadline passed a few weeks ago.


TBH an expat who votes isn't an expat yet. Why should you have an impact on the lives of those back home.


No taxation without representation and all that, so no taxation don't need no representation.


And any of this Expats to pay tax to cover all the money THEY p*ssed away on social security for the asylum seekers who ran away from where we now live - nonsense, guess how they'll find you - yep via your registration with an Embassy

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Being serious for a tic, my wife and me have never voted in UK elections since we left the Uk as we both

feel that it is not right or fair to do so. I would even go so far as to suggest that if you have emigrated

permenantly you should not be allowed to vote.



Mind you IF it winds up a certain other poster ( no name ) then I think we should all vote :D:D

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No taxation without representation and all that, so no taxation don't need no representation.


By that logic, surely you should be allowed to vote in the elections of the country you pay tax in? But that isn't possible, unless you have dual citizenship.


I can't agree you should give up all democratic rights just when you move country.


I'll be voting, but its a complete waste of time as I'm registered in New Forest West, and that seat is a foregone conclusion anyway...

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By that logic, surely you should be allowed to vote in the elections of the country you pay tax in? But that isn't possible, unless you have dual citizenship.


I can't agree you should give up all democratic rights just when you move country.


I'll be voting, but its a complete waste of time as I'm registered in New Forest West, and that seat is a foregone conclusion anyway...


Exactly. I live in Oz but am a British citizen (lived all my life in UK until 2006) and will be voting. I am not yet an Aussie citizen so am unable to vote in Australia and until I can I will continue to exercise my democratic right in the only country I am allowed to.

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Exactly. I live in Oz but am a British citizen (lived all my life in UK until 2006) and will be voting. I am not yet an Aussie citizen so am unable to vote in Australia and until I can I will continue to exercise my democratic right in the only country I am allowed to.

pretty stupid if you ask me

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pretty stupid if you ask me


What's pretty stupid about it. I am still a British citizen and have every right to vote.


Tell me then, how would the UK decide who does and doesn't vote for all those that have moved out of the country? Do you say that people who have lived away from the UK for more than a year....2 years....3 years etc. Where do you draw the line?


For all you know I could be on a 5 year secondment to Australia with a British company and I could have every intention of moving back to the UK in 2011.


Also as a British citizen I to have an interest in who runs the country as I still have bank accounts and my private and state pension held in the UK. I want to ensure that my money will be protected by the government.

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What's pretty stupid about it. I am still a British citizen and have every right to vote.


Tell me then, how would the UK decide who does and doesn't vote for all those that have moved out of the country? Do you say that people who have lived away from the UK for more than a year....2 years....3 years etc. Where do you draw the line?


For all you know I could be on a 5 year secondment to Australia with a British company and I could have every intention of moving back to the UK in 2011.


Also as a British citizen I to have an interest in who runs the country as I still have bank accounts and my private and state pension held in the UK. I want to ensure that my money will be protected by the government.

because you have chosen to leave.

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No taxation without representation and all that, so no taxation don't need no representation.


'No Representation Without Taxation'. That would be a stonking slogan for the LDs to campaign on. Both the Tories and Labour are guilty of taking contributions from prominent UK tax avoiding 'non doms'.

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What's pretty stupid about it. I am still a British citizen and have every right to vote.


Tell me then, how would the UK decide who does and doesn't vote for all those that have moved out of the country? Do you say that people who have lived away from the UK for more than a year....2 years....3 years etc. Where do you draw the line?


For all you know I could be on a 5 year secondment to Australia with a British company and I could have every intention of moving back to the UK in 2011.


Also as a British citizen I to have an interest in who runs the country as I still have bank accounts and my private and state pension held in the UK. I want to ensure that my money will be protected by the government.


It's pretty easy to draw a line, if you've ****ed off you should have no vote IMO.

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It's pretty easy to draw a line, if you've ****ed off you should have no vote IMO.


OK then by that rationale anyone who chooses to live in the UK deserves a vote? even the non permanent residents? even the asylum seekers yet to be granted any residency status? even EU citizens from another EU country who chose to live in the UK?


Also what if I left the UK to go travelling for a 6 months or a year or I got transferred with work for 2 years to say, Dubai - should I then have no right to vote?


I lived and have paid taxes in the UK all my life barring the last 4 years and contributed taxes to the current term of government who IMO have wasted it, I think therefore I should have a say to get rid of the government who I believe have wasted the money I have contributed. Also as I mentioned before I still have vested interests in the UK which I am paying taxes on and therefore feel I should have a say as to what happens to those taxes.

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if you chose to leave the UK, your voting card should be left behind at the airport/ferry port/train station


but still, by that rationale anyone who chooses to live in the UK deserves a vote? even the non permanent residents? even the asylum seekers yet to be granted any residency status? even EU citizens from another EU country who chose to live in the UK?

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but still, by that rationale anyone who chooses to live in the UK deserves a vote? even the non permanent residents? even the asylum seekers yet to be granted any residency status? even EU citizens from another EU country who chose to live in the UK?

no..bristish citizens who decide to leave to live else where should not be able to vote from afar

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